Chapter 6: Guess who's back

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My vision was full of black dots and starts that gave a little dance during the phase between sleep and waking up.

I squint but it does nothing to clear my vision so I resort to my ears and nose to help me find out where I was.

I could smell the faint smell of cleaning products as if the room I was in was recently cleaned, it was a great soothing smell. I could hear the sound of hushed voices. All I could get was mumbles.

I groan and the voices immediately silenced. Whoops.

"Hey, your awake" A voice who I recognised as Corey states.

I blink and slowly I could see my surroundings. Four faces stared curiously back at me.

"Hey, what happened?" I rub my eyes.

"You got hit on the head by the basketball and passed out" Lauren informs me. So much for trying not to embarrass myself.

I let out a tired moan "Great"

"Don't worry Mason scooped you up, I saw him taking you out my classroom door window, and he took you here to welfare" Justin rants on.


"Wait say that again" I strain my ears to hear him properly.

"You came here to welfare" Justin says in syllables.

"No before that"

A knowing smirk dances around on his lips "Oh Mason brought you- bridal style" His smile had increased by the end of his sentence and before I could question him a shape moves in the corner of my eye and mint and coconut feels the air.

"Hey" Mr arrogant comes into my view.

No. Could this get any more humiliating?

"How are you?" He asked and I was taken aback by the concern on his face, a foreign look for him to show my way.

"Super tired but I guess I'm good" I genuinely asked.

The nurse comes back in "Oh hello dear, you're awake?"

Well no shit Sherlock.

"It's end of lunch so you should all head to class" She orders everyone else but no one budges, not even Mr ar- I mean Mason.

Did I really sleep through all of break and period three and four? Wow I'm tired.

She sends them all a wide eye look "I understand that you're concerned about your friend but she will be fine"

They all don't look convinced but they all falteringly move towards the door.

"The nurse suggests going home because she said that even though you were hit by a ball you still kinda also passed out because of lack of sleep" Lauren advises "We will bring the girls home and make dinner and look after them whilst you get some rest"

"But I was just hit by a ball it's not a big deal, in fact I'll just go back to class now"

"No buts for once just do as I say" She sends me a warning glance leaving me no room to argue.


"No let us help you" She says it more like a statement than a question.

"Fine" I huff, to tired to argue further.

"Good, get some rest, ok?" She squeezes my arm and before I could blink she was out of the room. I hated when my friends try to help, I'm grateful, but I hate taking help it makes me feel weak.

"So-" A voice almost startles me but the soft tone told me it wasn't a threat "Look I'm so sorry that I heart you" Mason says sincerely.

"Oh I've had worse" I refer back to the times when my aunt used to get drunk and hit me.

"Yea but I was stupid-"

"Honestly I'm fine and besides I got a good sleep out of it"

He looks down and his hands suddenly become the new focus for him and the same devilish smirk I was use to weaved its way on to his face "I'm also sorry that you're bad at sports" He puckers his lips so he doesn't laugh.

Even though I was pissed at what he said I was still happy that we were back to our normal selves and throwing digs at each other whenever we can. However, that didn't stop me from throwing a pillow at his face.


After an agonising ride home I was finally in the comfort of my own walls, but something smelled off.

I stop short when I see my aunt lazing in the sofa in the living room, her drunken state on full speed.

"Lucy" I spit.

"Hello darling niece" She slurs. There were bottles and bags sitting on the coffee table that I didn't even want to question.

"What is it now that you want? Clean clothes? Money? Food?" I cut to the chase. I wasn't in the mood for fun and games.

"Oh Bee, act so stubborn yet so weak" She giggles like a school girl even though she was in her late thirties. Yea she was definitely on something.

I look around to see if anyone else is in the house, the last time she was around she brought all her friends to do their laundry. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I don't see anyone else.

"So what are you here for?" I push. For a moment I saw my mum in me with my arms crossed and firm scowl on my face.

"Well I definitely am here for something" Her eyes widen with excitement "Something big"

"Just spit it out" I deadpan, eager to get to the chase and push her out quicker than usual.

"I will once the girls get back all three of you need to here this. Oh, how are the girls doing?"

"None of your business"

She grimaces at my answer "I understand the dislike for me trust me the feelings mutual but whilst I'm here, to make life better, maybe try getting on with me and then you can go back to despising me when I'm gone. Although, this time around I'm gonna be sticking around" I had to really wake up my ears to hear what she was slurring but I just about got it.

"Whatever" I huff "Take your pick of food and then leave" I make my to the stairs ready for sleep although i don't think I can sleep knowing she was wandering around the house unsupervised.

My line of vision was changed when I was pressed against the olive colour of the walls in the living room.

"Where's my respect?"

"It walked out the door along with you the first time you walked out, the first time you made it clear that you weren't gonna support us like any good aunt would do" I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes waiting for the inevitable that that remark would definitely get me a slap.

Nothing followed but silence and I dared to open one eye to look at her. Rage was the most prominent emotion on her fallen face but she does nothing.

She sucks in a breath "Get out my sight, only come down when you're starting dinner" I don't argue and I waste no time climbing the stairs "I will be sticking around for a long time now so you better be prepared" Were her last words.

Lucy being back will definitely be a big setback for all of us, just when the girls were finally moving on.


Hi guyyyyssss!


I'm really getting into this, more than any other piece I written and I'm having so much fun writing it, I'm really not looking forward to the end (although sequel, anyone?)

So thankyoooouuuuu so much if you're enjoying this journey with me.

I'm also sorry if grammar is bad and you're tired of seeing the same word. I promise to deal with those as soon as possible.


Again, thank you, thank you, thank you.

I'm gonna shut up now.

Ok byeeee!

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