Chapter 8: Mr A's Ego

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"Can this day get any worse" I groan. The engine vibrated up my seat and through my tense thighs soothing them and helpfully getting the stress out of them.

"When are we there?" Margo sheepishly asks. She knew the answer but just enjoyed to see me squirm.

"Margo Layla LeBlanc I swear to god if you don't stop being a little-"



I didn't know why the guy behind was beeping when I only had ten inches to move. As usual we were going to be late to school.

I spot a side street that I could risk going down. I could end up getting lost or it could really help.

Sod it. I'm going.

Halfway down the side street I realise I was in the rich part of the town. The houses were even intimidating to me. They all were painted a fair colour of white and grew not only up but also out to the side. It was like they were all competing as I drove further down the street, they all got bigger as if the roofs had a string pulling them up-


"Jesus" I curse.

What the heck?

A dark black Mercedes-Benz was pulling out of one of the driveways and if I hadn't stopped a would of gone into the back of him. Great.

Not only that but I got deja vu just looking at the car. The sun reflected off it making it look like it was glowing.

The drivers side door opens and at first the suns rays blocked my sight but soon enough Mr arrogant was looking high and mighty next to his car and what I presume to be his mansion, he also looked pissed.

His eyes raked over my car with the same familiarity I had in my eyes a few minutes ago. Then the most bluest eyes, even bluer than the sky on a summers day, looked into mine and realisation struck his face.

I poke my head out the window "You should of looked to see if anyone was coming"

"If you wanted to kill me then you should of just said"

"Whatever, Just move" I grow impatient.

He smirks "In a hurry then, princess"

"Just move" I deadpan.

"Well you did almost hit me so it's only reasonable that you move out of my way"

The arrogance just dripping from his body was all that I could imagine. Clearly he wasn't gonna let anything hurt his ego, his big fat ego.

"Yea, not happening, move" What he didn't know was that i also have a big ego to defend.

He goes to protest but what ever he was going to retort was cut off by a door opening.

The back door of his car swings open and a small looking boy jumps out "Are we going or what?"

"Only if princess moves" Mr Hollywood motions my way and the boy now looked at me with curious eyes.

"Well hello, if you don't mind, could you just kindly remove your vehicle" The boy looked over ten years younger than me but still talked to me patronisingly like I was the one ten years younger.

I go to say a rude remark again but in one motion Margo clambers out the back "Well hello, if you don't mind, could you just kindly remove your arrogant ego"

Go Margo.

The boy looked like someone had trampled all over his pride but he puts on a strong face as if he wasn't unfazed.

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