Chapter 20: Can't forget

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"So what do you want?" Lauren asks idling the black chalk board above us that had a small variety of options to choose from.

"I dunno you pick" I shrug and continue to look at my phone which didn't stop me from hearing her mutter something under her breathe about how annoying I was when giving my phone my undivided attention, gotta love your best friend.

We were currently at a cafe for lunch seeing as we're tired of the cafeteria food, there's nothing wrong with it but we just need to get out every now and then.

After ordering a simple English breakfast, that they still sell at this time of day, and Lauren ordering nachos and cheese, we make our way over to a small table by the window.

I stared out at the blurbs that rushed past. Some people looked determined to get to where they are going and some just looked like they were enjoying everyday quotidian life.

"Oh shoot" Lauren curses bringing me back to earth.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows at her but she wasn't paying attention to me but instead was looking curiously at something else. I change the course of my eye sight to where ever she was idling and noticed the familiar platinum blonde hair that cascaded down in waves.

Who ever it was had there back to us a few tables down so they couldn't see us but as if on cue they slowly turn clockwise and start to survey the room. I swiftly look away to not get caught but not before catching who it was.

"Is that Natalie?" Lauren whispers and I nod briskly.

I hear the sharp clanking of high heels meeting the marble floor with a confident tone to it and that's when a shadow cakes our table.

"Hi girls, I thought I heard you come in" Natalie stood in front of us wearing a crisp white blouse and a pleated skirt and she had on a maroon blaster with her school logo standing out on it.

"H-hi Natalie" I said a little caught off guard, Lauren just nods her head in response.

"It's good to see you girls again" She gleefully smiles and I return it.

I had nothing against Natalie but she just isn't the type of people I hang out with and share all my deepest darkest secrets with.

"You too" I try to go along.

"How's school? Is Mason being on his best behaviour?" She says the last question sheepishly and flashes a small grin.

"Yh schools good and I haven't really seen Mason a lot"

It was true, even though we have similar classes I've been avoiding him like the plaque despite him calling for me or chasing after me.

"Well good" She says it like a relief "I was wondering if you wanted to come out with us this weekend?"

"O-ok" I splutter, I didn't realise we were that much of friends where we hang out.

"It's just so Chase doesn't feel like a third wheel, it will be Mason, Chase and I" Her voice had a sort of rhythm to it like she tries extra hard to sound so angelic.

"Oh I see" I sigh out "Sorta like a double date"

"Well if that's what you wanna call it sure" She shrugs and turns back to her friends who were watching us intently "Well I'll see you girls, nice seeing you Lauren" Lauren nods as a response "And I'll see you this weekend"

"Yea see ya" I say cautiously.

She turns on her high black boots and sashays down the isle "I'll call you" she calls over her shoulder.

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