Chapter 19: You owe me!

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"Ah here it is" I let out a well earned breath as I finally found Margo's football top after flipping the house upside down looking for it.

"Where was it?" Margo asked when coming into the kitchen.

"In the washing basket" I reply as she throws it on and moves to the hallway to put her football shoes on.

After putting my shoes on we headed out the house and into the car. Football is the only thing that makes Margo get ready eagerly and leave the house on time.

We rode to the football grounds in a comfortable silence and we arrive around ten minutes later.

Both girls bolted out the four door vehicle and trudged through the muddy tracks to where there was a mass of people.

Joe, Margo's football coach, calls everyone over and Melody and I sit over on the side.

"Now everyone we have a big football match against Ealing club next week so there is no messing about today"

I go in and out of the conversation throughout the day but like with dance I just don't have the same enthusiasm as my parents did.

They do a bit of training and I chant on Margo as she practices her dribble and a lot of other things.

Finally after a long dragging cold morning they get into a game and now I'm fully focused on what they are doing.

"Your little girl is quite good" One of the mums comments on Margo's skills. I try to ignore the unnerving feeling in the pit of my stomach when she says your little girl.

"Yea she really tries hard" I say as I soak up the praise for Margo. Joe, the coach, does say how she is the best in the class.

"Come on Margo" I chant, at first the ball was passed between the pink bib team when finally Margo, who was on the blue bib team, tackles scrawny looking boy. She makes her way to the goal and I stand on my tippy toes worried about what would happen next.

She nears the goal and I slowly feel at ease as I feel like nothing could happen now, however out of nowhere she is tackled to the ground and I hear a few 'ohhhs' being passed around the parents. Margo doesn't move from her spot and I run over to her with Mel in tow.

I glare at the person who had recklessly bulldozed her down but froze when I saw who it was, Jackson?

"Ow my leg" Margo whimpers.

"I know come on" I say soothingly as I help her up.

"That's a foul young man" Joe states when he comes over "This isn't American football"

"Yea we know he's sorry" A voice says and to no surprise Mason comes through the crowd and I send him a just as evil glare as I sent his brother, he matched my glare with a sympathetic one.

"Yea sorry Margo" Jackson says uncomfortably.

"Whatever" Margo retorts.

"Come on" I helped her wobble over to the side and everyone that had crowded round for a show disperses.

"Brooke" Mason calls out at first I ignore him but then he calls out again "Princess"

"What?" I hiss as I help Margo sit on the bench.

"I just wanted to say sorry" He apologetically smiles.

"Well you said it now leave us alone"

"Ok" He nods "I was wondering when you could give me another tutor lesson?" He asks.

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