Chapter 22

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After Trevor dropped me off I went and took a shower and I put on my green and black lacy panty and bra on and put on my boy shorts and my cut in half sleeping tank top and got into bed and thought I feel bad now that I went off on Trevor he was just trying to do a surprise ugh I feel like the worst girlfriend ever but i will make it up to him tomorrow 😏 then I feel asleep.

~next morning~

I woke up to my alarm playing rich homie Quan playing lifestyle that's my favorite song I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face my hair was every where i went into my walk in closet and picked out a purple shirt in the front and long in the back shirt that has no sleeves and some shorts I brushed my hair then flat ironed it and put on my diamond ear rings and put on my purple and black SnapBack with my purple chucks and I did my make up and put some clear lip gloss on and I put on my butterfly belly ring and my sun glasses on and I grabbed my phone and things I need and my polo backpack and went downstairs to see my mom downstairs sitting down eating I see a plate on the marble counter I grab it and sit down in front of my mom it's 7:04 I got lots of time.

"Good morning mom where's dad" I ask her.

"Good morning sweetie your dad is upstairs and you look beautiful oh yea I wanted to talk to you about something" she says I nod because I'm eating my piece of bacon.

"How would you like it if Davison moved in" she said I almost choked.

"Why does he have to move in I mean I don't have a problem with him but why does he have to move in there are no rooms left because the girls stay here sometimes to" I tell her.

"Yea one of them are going to have to give the rooms up" she says.

"You can't be serious mom they have been here longer then him" I say.

"They have there own houses" she says I stand up.

"So does he he can stay were he has been living you just told me I have a brother not to long ago now you want him to stay here" i yell it's not fair.

"Makayla Armani smith do not raise your voice at your mom your not to old to get your ass whooped" my dad said while coming down.

"Whatever y'all just ruined my mood bye" I say and slam the door I decided to drive the jaguar once I got to school I parked my car when I got out boys where looking thirsty as hell and girls glaring at me because there boys are looking at me 'don't worry I don't want them' I thought I decided to sit on my car and get on Facebook and take a selfie then I posted it I got lots of likes and comments I didn't know people be on Facebook this early I'm still pissed off at my mom and dad I put my phone down and see that Trevor pulled up he was looking fine thirsty hoes gone run up to him he pushed past them and came to me and got in between my legs and pecked my lips.

"Bae what's wrong" he asks.

"It's my mom and dad" I tell him and put my head down he puts two fingers under my chin and makes me look up at him.

"What they do" he asked with a raises eyebrow.

"They asked me how I would feel about davion moving in I said no because they just told me I have a brother not to long ago now they want him to move in" I say still pissed

"Why don't you want him to move in it could give him a chance to get to know you better as his little sister" he says

"I know but they said one of the girls have to give up there rooms I mean how tf does that sound they have been there longer" I say.

"No here what you mean but he is to blood brother and there just friends but they like family to you but he might want to spend time with you or Tracy or king so that's why I think you should give it a chance" he says ugh he is right tho I put my arms around his neck.

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