2. New Start

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Start the song it's Buttercup by Jack Stauber.
let the first 18 seconds play out and then continue to read!

Tyler looked at himself in the mirror and tried to smile. He then sighed and let the smile fall from his face. He hated that he had to move. He hated that he was going to be the new kid in school. He hated that he had left his friends Pete and Patrick back in California.

"This is as good as it's going to get, Tyler." He said to himself.

"Tyler come on! We cant be late!" His brother yelled.

"Coming!" Tyler said, grabbing his back pack and leaving his room.

He quickly grabbed a granola bar that was on the kitchen table and ran out to Zack's car. He was already waiting for him. Tyler got in the car and buckled himself in.

"Mom already went to work. She said she hopes you have an amazing day." Zack said sarcastically.

"I wish we didn't have to move." Tyler said sadly.

"It'll be okay. It's a new start. Away from dad and away from— from my friends?" Tyler said cutting off Zack.

Zack sighed, "It's your senior year, finish it and then you can move back to California with Patrick and Pete. Just make mom happy this final year?" Zack asked.

Tyler sighed and remained quiet. They had finally drove up to the new school Tyler was going to be at. Tyler looked up at the building and felt anxiety build up in his stomach. Maybe starting a new school would be different. He got out of the car at the drop off area. He looked back at Zack and sighed.

"Hey, it's gonna be fine! See ya." Zack said before zooming off from the drop off area.

Tyler grumbled and walked inside the school. He walked towards a door that read 'Office' on it. Tyler looked around and didn't see anyone besides a boy with purple hair, scrolling through his phone.

"Hey uh, can you help me out?" Tyler asked

The boy looked up and smiled widely, "You must be the new kid. I'm Awsten."


Awsten smiled and got up from his seat. He handed Tyler a folded up piece of paper. Tyler opened it up to see that it was his schedule for the rest of the year. Tyler sighed. It was going to be a long year.

"Everyone left home room already and are in first period. You my friend have English." Awsten said in a cheery voice.

Both boys walked in the class room to see that the teacher was sitting at her desk and everyone else were pretty much doing their own thing. Awsten grabbed Tyler's hand and dragged him to a table where three other people were sitting. He made Tyler sit next to him.

"What's up fuckers, this is Tyler. He's new and he's kinda quiet, so be nice to him." Awsten said. "Tyler this is Geoff, Elijah and his boyfriend Sam."

Tyler just waved slightly making his cheeks heat up. He's not the type of person to make friends easily. He remember it was hard for him to make friends with Pete and Patrick. It took him until sophomore year that he started to talk to them on a daily basis.

"So what made you move to Ohio? Got any dirty secrets?" Elijah said with a smirk.

His boyfriend sam hit his arm, making him say a slight 'ow' noise. Tyler's cheeks started to get even more hot as Elijah asked that question.

"Look you made him embarrassed, you asshole." Sam said.

He then turned to Tyler and let out an apologetic smile. "Please excuse my boyfriend, he's an asshole. What he meant to ask was, what brings you to boring Ohio?"

"Oh, family stuff. My brother goes to Ohio State and my mom works at some company." Tyler replied.

"Cool, well we don't do much here." Geoff said with a smile.

Tyler smiled back at Geoff. It made his cheeks warm again but Geoff really didn't say much. He was polite and quiet and let Tyler talk. All four boys kept talking until the classroom door opened to two boys and two girls, laughing loudly. Tyler only noticed one boy with bright pink hair and simple black plugs in his ear lobes. The boy turned his head and made eye contact with Tyler. Tyler immediately looked away while they all sat in four empty desks.

"The biggest assholes other than Elijah has shown up." Sam whispered.

"Who are they?" Tyler asked quietly.

"The asshole group. Ashley Frangipane, Jenna Black, Brad Heaton and the bigger asshole, Joshua Dun. Josh has a reputation here. He literally will beat the shit out of you even if you look at him the wrong way." Geoff said bitterly.

"Yeah, he almost beat the shit out of Awsten and Geoff because he thought they were bothering his friend Brendon but they were just trying to buy weed for Elijah and I." Sam said.

"And now you owe me your lunch for the rest of the year." Geoff laughed.

Tyler once again smiled at what Geoff had to say. Tyler also felt eyes on the back of his head. Elijah looked up slightly and widened his eyes a bit.

"Looks like Tyler has an admirer." He said.

Tyler turned his head slightly and saw Josh almost staring at him. When they made eye contact, Josh just smirked and turned his head back to his friends. Tyler knew this was only then start of the school year.

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