14. Game Day

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Wait to start the song!
Sorry for the update delay, i've been working a lot and didn't have time so here's a long one. I also have two chapters of my new fic just sitting there in my drafts HAHAH what bye!

That night, Josh found himself once again climbing up Tyler's window. He had dropped him off after the pep rally because Mark needed to find something nice for himself and Tyler just wanted to go home after a long day. He pushed the window up, seeing that Tyler left it open just for him. Josh really needed to start using the front door but this was his thing. He carefully climbed in, to see a sleeping Tyler. He still wore his shorts that were too short for him and always one of Josh's shirts he had given him. Josh smiled and carefully took off his shoes and pants.

He was tired and it didn't hit him till now. He crawled into Tyler's bed and wrapped his arms around him. Tyler mechanically moved himself against Josh's chest and sighed contently. Josh couldn't help but chuckle a little at Tyler's soft snores. This boy completely had his heart. He must've moved the wrong way because Tyler's face soured a bit and then his eyes slowly began to open.

"When did you get here?" Tyler asked, clearly still half asleep.

"Just now, sleepy head." Josh replied.

"Hmm, you hungry?" he asked.

"Kind of, can I eat you out?" Josh smirked.

Immediately, Tyler sprung up and hit Josh's chest. Josh laughed as Tyler glared at him. God he loved that Tyler always got so flustered by Josh's sexual humor.

"You're a mix of jock and punk. I don't like that." Tyler said while laying back down.

"Cmon babe, that was funny." Josh laughed.

He curled up into Josh's chest once more, sighing into him. These were the moments that Josh loved. Simple moments with Tyler. He'll admit to himself that Tyler makes him a soft mother fucker but he would never admit it to anyone else. Josh kissed Tyler's head and played with his hair.

"Are you nervous for tomorrow?" Tyler asked.

Josh sighed, "Kind of. The pep rally was weird for me but tomorrow's going to be fucking strange."

Tyler hummed, "I cannot believe my boyfriend went from a whole punk asshole to a jock asshole with me by his side."

"I know, i'm such a catch." Josh said in a cocky tone.

Tyler hit Josh upside the head. Josh smiled and kissed Tyler's face all over. Tyler giggled when Josh kept kissing his face. He finally pulled away and stared down at Tyler lovingly. He was infatuated with him. It was like how he felt when he got into his first fight. A rush of adrenaline and happiness. Tyler fell asleep again, against Josh's chest.

Start the song. It's HandClap by Fitz and The Tantrums.

It was finally game day. Josh's first game to be exact. He was terrified as he peeked out and saw people starting to pile in. He still hasn't seen Tyler and his friends yet. The last time he saw Tyler was this morning after a very intimate make out session, leading him to literally push Josh out the window after telling him numerous amount of times that he has the whole day and he needed to get ready.

"You good Dun?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, just nervous." Josh said.

"It's your first game, I get it. I know you'll do great. From all the practices, I'm definitely confident that you can bring us some wins." Jack smiled.

"Thanks man, I've never really seen you at school a lot other than outside with that guy Alex." Josh mentioned.

Josh saw a blush creep up on Jack's face, "Yeah, we sort of have a thing going on."

"That's good man."

Finally it was time to run into the field and see everyone in the crowd. Josh looked over to Jack who was already getting ready. The announcer called them out and everything was different. They all ran out, side by side. Josh stood next to Jack and felt a little more comfortable. When he looked around, he noticed a lot of people at their first game. Everyone cheering and screaming for their team.

His eyes scanned the whole crowd for his friends. He started to get worried when he didn't spot them immediately. He finally turned a certain way and saw Brendon, Dallon, Jenna, Ashley, and Mark. Brendon and Jenna held up a sign with Josh's number on it and a 'don't suck!' on the bottom of the poster. Josh smiled and the poster. He then saw Tyler with a big grin on his face. Josh's number painted on his right cheek and his last name on his left cheek. Josh never felt more important in his life.

"Huddle up!" Brad yelled.

All of the players ran to Brad and huddled up. Josh's anxiety was still there but knowing that his boyfriend and his friends were there to support him, made everything a little easier.

"Alright, plain and simple. Josh, Jack and Andy are all going to be the main ones getting the ball. No matter what, give it to one of them. Josh if you end up getting the ball, give it to Jack. Jack make sure you pay attention to that ball. Everyone got it?"

Everyone nodded and went on to the field. The other team looked like they didn't even stand a chance. Brad called out the numbers and then the game started. Josh pushed two or three guys out of the way and kept running. He saw the ball thrown to Andy. Andy then threw it to Josh. Josh and panicked for a moment but immediately threw it to Jack who ran to the touch down line. The whole crowd erupted into cheers.

Through out the game, Josh, Jack and Andy kept each other together. It was currently tied between them and the other school. The cheer leaders were doing their show while Brad and the coach talked to them. Josh's eyes wandered over to Debby as she cheered on. He didn't notice then but now that he was looking at her, he saw that she had his number painted on her face just like Tyler. His eyes then shot to where Tyler was sitting and saw that he looked sad but still happy and cheering Josh on. Josh decided to blow him a kiss and wink at him. It was a small gesture but it made Tyler blush profoundly.

What Josh didn't like was Brendon and Dallon blowing him kissie faces back. He glared at them and turned back around. He ran back onto the field, next to Jack. This was the final quarter. The score was 22-22 even. They needed this next touchdown to win the first game. As soon as the ball was thrown, Josh ran and made sure the ball was in Jack's hands. Jack ran across the field, looking over to Josh, making sure he was for sure open. Josh watched Jack throw him the ball before he got knocked down. When Josh caught it, he froze. The yelling and and screaming of his number and name made his anxiety spike until he heard one voice loudly.

"Run Josh! You got this!" Tyler yelled.

Out of the whole crowd, he heard Tyler's voice loud and clear. Josh began to run to the touchdown area. He ran as fast as he could, like the day he was running from the cops. He dodged every player and finally ran on top of the area and threw down the ball. The crowd went nuts. His team came running to him and hugged him. Josh finally saw his boyfriend run down to the middle of the field. For a moment, Josh felt like he was in a high school movie but that didn't matter. He ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so proud of you!" Tyler said happily.

"You were my good luck charm, sweetheart. Gotta keep you around now." Josh replied.

"Cmon football star, all of us are going back to my place for pizza and movies." Tyler smiled.

Josh kissed his cheek and held his hand while they walked back to his bike. Tyler helped him take off his gear and even put on his helmet. Josh snapped a picture of him and laughed. It was something Josh wasn't going to forget. He was in love.

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