The Shadow

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Deceits POV:
It was around midnight and I was fast asleep. Remy put Thomas on auto-sleep so he could snuggle up with me. The moment he climbed into bed, I was startled awake. He didn't scare me that much though.
"Oh sorry! Did I wake you up?" Remy apologizes.
"It's okay, coffee!"
We had pet names for each other. He calls me slytherin and I call him coffee.
Ain't it cute?
He climbed quickly into bed and we cuddled like two baby kittens meeting eachother for the first time. After about five minutes, I figured it was time to go to sleep. So I gave him a good night kiss and tried to go to sleep but...
Thump thump thump.
I heard what sounded like someone running. It scared me and my fear woke up Remy.
"What's wrong, Slytherin?
"Did you hear that?" I said.
"Hear what?"
"The footsteps."
"I didn't hear nothin'!"
"Well I did."
Remy lowered is sunglasses.
"It could have Virgil, honey."
"No, he decided sleep tonight and nobody else ever gets up this late. We both know that."
He got scared and hugged me tightly. Even behind those dark sunglasses, I could see the fear in his eyes. If no one else in the mindscape is awake, then who was this being running through the mind palace? At night?
Despite all of the horror movies and nightmares I have seen, I told Remy to stay underneath the sheets and blankets, grabbed a bat, and slowly crept out of my room and tippy-toed my way downstairs.
Once I reached the bottom, I was petrified.
In the kitchen was a tall shadowy figure looking down at something with a creepy smile on his face. It looked like he had... fangs. Vampire fangs
I want scream or shout for help but nothing came out of my mouth. I stumbled back, almost falling over in pure fear. Unfortunately, I made enough noise for the unearthly being to hear me. He slowly craned his neck to look at me.
"Well well well, it looks like a friend yours has come to the rescue." The monster said in a raspy voice, turning back to whatever or whoever he was looking at.
I then heard muffled cries of alarm and distress. It's sounded like...
"I have Virgil, Patton, and," he chuckled. "Remy."
"Yes, they may seem like damsels in distress but I will show you sides otherwise."
I run over there to save my beloved, my brother, and my friend (in this fanfic Deceit and Patton are friends) from the vamp but it was too late.
He disappeared along with Virgil, Patton, and... MY PRECIOUS STARBUCKS ANGEL!
Roman and Logan came downstairs to see what all the racket was. They came down to a Deceit who was crying and sobbing his eyes out.
They saw me like this and went over to help me...

Yo what up Sanders Sides fans. Did ya like this chapter? I did! Just to let cha know that this was inspired a conversation I had with my best friend. She has an account on Wattpad too. She is currently working on another story called Broken Brothers.
Here's her account.


Please go read her stuff. She would be very happy and I would be happy too!
Please leave a good comment! Just follow that old rule: if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all
Kinda cliche but hey it does work sometimes!
Anyways I will see you guys later!

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