The Bite

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Time reverse back to midnight

Virgil POV:
I was lying in bed with Roman. We we're just talking about catnip, (idk why) when I began feeling a bit queasy.
"Virgil? You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little stomachache."
"Are you sure? Here, lemme get you something."
"I'm fine, Roman."
"You sure?"
"Well okay, but lemme know if you need anything."
I nodded. Gosh, can he be any more persistent.
He gets up to leave, but I grab his hand.
"Where are you going?" I ask
"To the bathroom. Don't worry. I'll come back when I'm done."
He closes the door behind him.
I am left alone in my cold, dark room.
I sit there for a few moments before my teeth began hurting.
The pain started off as a small nuisance but it grew more and more excruciating. It didn't feel like a normal toothache. It was like it was being shaped into something else, something that was poking at my bottom lip. I trudged to my vanity, where I put on my makeup, to see two long, white, razor sharp fangs in the places of my old teeth.
I went white, literally. And my eye glowed an eerie crimson shade. I felt my mouth water for a drink. I knew that I shouldn't but it was so tempting.
What is going on?! I thought that the lunatic that bit us was just crazy! Why am so thirsty? Am I a-
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a doorknob turning.
Oh no, Roman's back!
"Hey! I-"
He noticed the terrified look on my face.
"Virgil? What's wrong? Are you okay? Do you need a bucket?"
He didn't stop there.
"Then what are you doing?"
I hesitated for a moment. The scent of his blood was back and I wanted, I needed taste.
I stopped there to give him a hug. Then I began to cry.
"Woah, hey it's okay, it's okay. I'm right here"
I'm sorry Roman.
I lifted my head enough for him to feel my breath.
"Virgil, why is your breath so cold?"
I didn't answer, I was just so desperate
I bit into his skin and heard a popping sound. I let his blood just bleed into my mouth. Its taste refreshed me and I felt satisfied.
Roman then fell to the floor. I wiped my mouth but his blood was still stained on my skin.
Tears continue to stream down my cheeks.
"I'm so sorry..."

That was angsty.
Comment below if you cried. So basically I won't be updating any of my books for a very long time bc I just moved into a new place with my parents and I have to organize everything. Soooo I'm busy.
So anyways I really hope that you enjoyed the story and I actually put all I had into this chapter.
Carmen(my creativity) had her head in the game today so credit to her!
Anyways, gtg
Don't drink if you below the age 21

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