chapter 1, last moment together.

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Screams we're heard inside the living room, both father and daughter were fighting while the mother just listened looking at the floor feeling guilty that how weak she is not trying to stop this fight.

Their fighting if they should move to another country, y/n sure did not enjoy that option, but thanks to her bossy and drunk father, she was forced to obey, but this time.

She didn't.

She will do anything to stay in her hometown, you see, her father is a police man while her mom is a nurse, her mom worked day and night trying to get enough money for their home and daily needs, while her father...well, he just sits down and do nothing, if someone reports something like stealing or any crime, he would just say that their wasting his time, and sometimes he'd sneak out to get drunk, shame.. 


"Look, this place smells like rotten eggs, we are leaving THIS INSTANT"

The father growled as she spoke quietly knowing the dangers of saying this, but she did anyways despite of her anger "if you did your job right, non of this would happen.." that was the last blow for him as he took his hand, raised his hand and slapped her face, it felt like knives on her skin as she stood shocked "go to your room" he growled as he walked away as her mom just stayed there, feeling defeated, y/n ran to her room, shut and locked the door as she sobbed.

she didnt want to leave yet, she's gonna miss things here, the hometown, the people and her....friends. she cried more, tears spilling making her pillow soaking wet, "i- we promised we'd stay t-together.." she quietly said as she hiccuped and cried more until she heard her phone ring, she slowly got it and answered the call trying not to hiccup and sniff so she wont sound weird.

"hey hey hey! hows my little- oh..what happened?" her friend ashley (change if your name is ashley) asked concerned about the mini sniffs y/n was making "HIYA Y- oh gosh what happened to ya?" another voice said, it was sasha (change again if its your name-) y/n hiccuped one more and spoke "guys..i have s-some news.." she started as they both listened.

"im leaving.."

she said as the tears grew more and more spilling out in seconds as her friends gasped "WHAT? B-BUT WE PROMISED.." sasha said feeling her eyes water up "i sorry..." y/n said while hiccuping more often sobbing like she lost her family.

and she did..

her friends were the only one who cared about her, like a REAL family..her mom did work hard and give her the needs, but they dont spend that much time together. "hey....y/n?"  ashley spoke as y/n hummed trying to calm down "why dont you come over for awhile? y' last moment together..k?" she asked as y/n smiled a little feeling hope in her again "alright.." "great! see you soon..take your time.." she said as she hung up.

she hurriedly wiped the tears on her delicate skin and stood up trying not to make much noise as possible, it was nighttime maybe around 5:30, her parents forbid her on going to houses at exactly 6, well, her mom at least.. so she had to be quiet, she wore a hoodie and some jogging pants with a black cap on her head so that her tears couldnt be seen in public, as she was about to leave she heard the door open.

finding no places to hide she stood there feeling the panic rise up her as the figure move out of the door.


she stood their frozen in place as her mom looked onto her (e/c) eyes and sighed, "you can go.." was all she said as the girl couldnt believe what she is hearing "r-really?" she asked as the mom hummed and walked towards her giving her a hug, "im sorry i couldnt protect you...." she said as her eyes started to water and so did y/n's, she didnt feel a hug for so long that came from her parents, she squeaked as the tears formed again hugging back, they both let go as her mom gave her a weak smile "stay safe my angel.." she said as she planted a kiss on her forehead and left.

as she successfully got out her house, she looked around the street feeling safe as she continued walking, admiring the stars on the night sky, feeling the cold night breeze sway into her (h/l) hair, she felt so relaxed as she closed her eyes for a while, she lived in america, kansas, so it was pretty hectic there, but she didnt mind, she just felt at ease forgetting all her worries as they slipped away, until she reached ashley's house...guilt rose up again but she shook it off trying to make this last moment positive.

she knocked on the door and greeted by another one of her friends, bryan. "y/n! come in" he said as she walked in greeted by all of her friends as they all tackled her in a hug, they all fell to the floor laughing, y/n loved this, she wished that this wouldnt be the last time they'd stay together, but it was.. they all let go as one friend helped her up and pulled her into the living room "COME ON! LETS PLAY MARIO KART!" Ali said as she sat down and tossed the controller towards y/n as she tried to catch it but it hit her nose and it fell making everyone laugh and so did y/n, "also, how are all of you here?" she asked as ashley spoke up "well yeaaaahhhhh...." she said as y/n got the idea as one of her friends named simon said "were gonna miss you y/nnnn" he whined as y/n laughed "i know" she said flipping her hair as they all laughed.

they played tons of games, most off the time they'd rage over stuff like losing 89798456465 times which amused y/n so much, it felt like heaven, she felt so happy until she noticed what time it was, her mother would be worried by now...she bid them farewell as she walked back home, climbed through her window, changed her clothes and slept, feeling the hope inside her.

"thank you.."



im still sick but wow i cant stop damn-

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