chapter 6, election

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Y/n woke up groaning because how early it is, normally she'd wake up at either 11 am or 2 pm, as she grogerly stood up as she heard some people outside her window, she looked outside her window out of curiosity, she noticed how much people there was, they were already outside prepping the final touches to the street decorations which looked so colorful.

As she went back to her closet and grabbed some clothes, she took a short shower and went downstairs to eat, as usual, her mom is cooking food while her dad is just lazing around, she sighed and walked towards her mom as she helped her in cooking, when food was done they started to eat on untter silence, no one was talking it was so quiet you could hear them breathing.

Time passed and everyone was getting ready to go (you could wear whatever you like, but please not a bikini I swear-) you got in the car and drove off, still no one was saying a word, dad was the one driving, mom was in the passenger seat while y/n at the back, she was just looking out of the window gazing off feeling sleepy as heck, again, it's not everyday that you get to wake up at frikin 5.

After a while of silent traveling, the father parked the car and went out first, followed by the mother then a sleepy daughter, she was not in the mood for speed walking, buy her parents are, the mother was just trying to keep up with the dad, while he just walked like he had no care in the world.

Finally she caught up with her parents and surprisingly they were at the front, alot of people are shoving others just to be here, so she's guessing dad did that as well, they stayed there the longest because everytime someone would touch him, he'd give them a ahit eating glare making them scared and run away, sometimes they'd have a staring contest and he'd normally win, while her mom tried to stop the fighting, y/n just dozed off confused of the fact that they came here at 5 while it starts at 6...

Looking around the street was beautiful, excluding the angry yelling and different things being thrown at each other...but just like her hometown, very colorful, though the thought of people throwing things really bugged her, she nudged her mom's arm while she turned around giving the sleepy girl a confused look, y/n told/asked her if she could sit down on a bench for a while, her mom thought for a sec and nodding hesitantly as she let go of her hand.

Soon y/n heard the bells and more people shouting louder than before 'looks like is starting...' she thought as she walked away farther from the noise, but she also wanted to see that 'countryhuman' so she turned back to see a person with the crystalian flag, he was standing between four to eight bodyguards, she thinks it was the so called 'countryhuman' so she turned away, as soon as she turned, they're eyes locked, 'ah fucc' she cursed mentally slapping herself, he smiled at the girl making her confused at the friendly gesture while she turned back and sat down on a bench.

For a while, she felt at peace, it was more quieter than before, she sighed closing her eyes feeling at peace, well...for a while ..

Soon she heard the screams getting louder and closer as she groaned because the so called peaceful atmosphere turned destructive, then realization hit her, this isn't the street for election...right? She looked at the place where the screams are heard until she saw a familiar face...

He was surrounded by different people asking and begging for him to elect them for ruling the country as he ignored them, he looked like he was looking for something....more like someONE.

As y/n sighed closing her eyes again, the 'countryhuman' looked at her again and stopped, as so as the people, still asking and begging while his bodyguards made a barrier to protect him, y' REAL bodyguards.

Y/n slightly opened her eyes to see him..again..staring at her, but when she fully opened her eyes, his smiled got wider and started walking towards her (que Moto Moto meme)

As he was walking, many of the people were confused while some just kept begging, when y/n noticed her current situation, she freaked out, I mean, it's the frikin country walking towards her!

As he reached a good far distance between themselves, the bodyguards made a semi circle to protect both the leader and the clueless girl, as she slowly looked up, she tried to say something, anything! But no words came out.

"Hi there" he said with a bright smile on his face while the girl sweat dropped "d-did I do s-something wrong sir?" She stuttered as he gave out a small chuckle "no your fine..." He said as she sighed in relief "what do you need?" She asked as he calmly said.

"would you mind being the one ruling over this country?"


"WAIT WHAT?!" She screamed backing her go backwards, "your joking...r-right?" She asked as he laughed "nope", y/n was terribly confused, first of, why her? She was clearly not having an appropriate age limit for taking in charge of the whole country! And second, she doesn't even KNOW how to do so!

More questions surrounded her as her thoughts got interrupted by a calm voice "so?" He asked as she said something she will always regret.

"I don't mind"



sry I was bored and didn't had anything else on mind whoops

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