Chapter 1

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Eve's pov

"Stay, just a little longer!" My best friend, Kai exclaims as he slurps his beer.

I don't drink, or do drugs, or smoke of any kind. I'm a good, innocent 18 year old. A nun some would class me as, or an angel.

My friend Kai, likes to party every now and then. He drinks, but doesn't smoke anything if any kind.

I was dragged here, due to the end of summer break, and the last day before going back to college.

I agreed, cause I didn't want to let him down, and try to have a good time.

But, I'm bored, not fitting in, and feel absolutely tired.

"I can't Kai, I'm really tired, and need an early night for tomorrow" I say with a smile.

"Let me take you home" he offers with a smile "it's ok, have fun, enjoy tonight" he smiles.

"It's ok, I want to get you home" I giggle "one, you've been drinking. Two, I can get a taxi, three, I will be home in ten minutes".

He gives me a questioning gaze, and I smile are you sure?" He asks again.

I giggle, and nod my head "it's fine, drop me a text later, or when your bored or something".

He embraces me in a warm hug, and I hug him back. "Will do, munchkin".

"Okie". With that, we pull away, and I walk off, the music getting quieter, the smell of booze vanishing.

The horde of students, slowly decreasing as I made my way to the entrance. Then I was welcome with the crisp cool air.

The milky ball of light in the raven sheeted sky. Small specks of glitter dusting the surface.

I grab my phone, and dial for a Taxi, but it said that they had none available due to a busy shift or something.

I sigh, and plug my headphones in, brushing my wavy cocoa locks out of their way. My hair falls to mid shoulder-blade, it's nice, but a pain in the butt.


The notification tune cut through my music, letting me know I had a message.

Smiling, I look at it, only to see Kai's name pop up.

From Kai: heeeeeeeeeeeey girl, has Taxiiiii came yeeeeeet?

He's as drunk as a skunk.

Giggling, I text back.

To Kai: no, Taxi's aren't running, so I'm walking.

From Kai: can yooooou get home as quick as thoooose legs caaaaan carryyyy you?

To Kai: I shall try, I'll text you when I'm home :)

From Kai: okieeee!

I keep walking, watching where I'm going, the faint lamps helping to guide the way with their dim glow.

I hum along to the words of: everybody by backstreet boys. "Everybod-" suddenly a snap catches my attention.

Looking around, I see nothing. Shrugging, I keep listening to it.

I felt something touch my shoulder. Spinning around, I see nothing.

It's just my imagination, it has to be. Just in case "Kai, is that you? Stop messing around" I say with a smile, as I look for him.

However, there's nothing for him to hide behind. Just the wind, it has to be.

I walk faster, pulling the cardigan around me more. I just want to get home, and cuddle up in bed with my bear.

Suddenly, a warm gust of air fanned against the nape of my neck. I freeze, don't be anything bad...

I spin round, and saw nothing. That's it, I'm running home. I pick up speed, and run.

I don't want to know what's going on, I would rather have staid at the party, or never gone at all.

I round the corner, cutting through the shortcut, the alley. It helped cut to the next street.

I heard something crash behind me, so I look over my shoulder, and see a knocked over trash can.

I face forwards, only to crash into something. I was knocked to the floor, then something sharp started to tear into my flesh.

I scream in pain, trying to kick whatever it is off me. But it was unbelievably strong.

Nails clawing, teeth snapping. I felt really weak. I close my eyes, waiting for the final blow, but it didn't happen.

I felt the weight being knocked off, the sound of snapping jaws, and flesh being torn. Then it was quiet, apart from the low deadly growl.

Before I could make anything out, or even blink, I was pushed roughly into the wall.

I groan, then yell when something sharp digs into my waist.

My head was jolted to the side, all I could feel was some sort of fluffy material.

Before I could say anything, a searing pain entered my flesh on my neck.

I scream in pain, and plead for it to let go "stop it! It hurts! Please! Help!".

I heard a loud snarl, and panic, the fluff could be fur!

"Help me! Kai! Anyone!" I scream as its head shook, and it's teeth clamped down harder.

I punch at its chest, only to feel a fur covered abdomen. It was hard to explain, it was like a man, but taller, and wider. Furry.

The sharp pain in my arm goes, as it appears around both my wrists as they are pinned above my head.

I could feel the blood flowing out of me, and I knew I could die.

The next think I know, is it pulling its head away from me, showing a wolf like face. A man's body, digi-grade legs like an animal, arms like a man, torso like a man. Head like a wolf, ears like a wolf.

I tried to escape, but it snarled, and I felt really weak. It came closer, and licked my neck where the wound was.

I cry out in agony, and slide to the floor. However, it had other ideas.

It caught me, and swooped me up. The last thing I saw, was burgundy fur, and glowing green orbs...

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