Chapter 3

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Eve's pov

"Little one" a voice purrs. I look around, it's all darkness. "Who's there?".

I couldn't see, or feel anything, I could only turn around, and stay in the same spot.

"Behind you" I spin around, and bump into the person. My hands on their muscular chest.

"Who are you?" He growls "I'm coming for you" with that, the two glowing green eyes I see, get higher, and higher. Flesh into fur.

A pain in my neck, and a scream...

I shoot awake, rolling over. I try to wipe my face, but I couldn't. Glancing down, I see I'm in a straight jacket.

What the hell?!

I can see a white padded room with a matching floor. Everything came back to me... Kai did this.

"Hello? Anyone here?!" Suddenly, the door open and closed, revealing two men.

"Your awake" I nod "please, this is a misunderstanding, let me go home" I say politely.

My head whipped to the side, a stinging sensation sparking the area.

I whimper "you answer the questions, we tell you what to do, and when to do it, got it?" The blonde haired guy growls.

I nod "now, tell us what you saw" I explained everything, and then the brunette questioned "how much do you think was real?".

"All of it" I whisper. I got a kick, making me whimper, and role over. "It was a dream" the second guy states.

I shake my head "it wasn't" I got another smack, this time, the force split my lip.

I cry out a little, and I get hit again "you were drunk!" I scream at them "I didn't! I didn't drink!" I got another smack.

I groan "you don't have any wounds to prove this" they snarl "they healed, I don't know how!".

With that, they beat me, and knock me around. My face is probably bruised along with my body.

My body was heating up "it's hot..." They stop "what?" I pant, and lay on my side.

"So hot... Can't breathe" they look at each other, and come back with a hose "how's this?" With that, they fire it at me.

I choke, and gurgle as I try to turn away, causing them to increase the force. My head knocked against the wall, and everything faded....

Blonde's pov

We soaked her with the hose, and laugh as she tried to wriggle. I couldn't help but think this one's a lost cause. She believes her tale so strongly.

We turn it off, and watch her lay there unconscious. I look at Ben, and he smirks at me.

"Do you think she will get better?" I question, he shrugs "who knows, she seems very sick to me. She might be unfix able". I nod at his words.

I watch her wriggle, and pant in her sleep. She might need medication for the fever, and some sleeping tablets.

"So, do we check on her tomorrow?" I ask, he nods "yes, we have a long way to go before she is same again".

We gather the hose, coil it back up, and leave...

A week later...

Eve's pov

I've been here for a week, all they have done was torture me, batter me, and sedate me.

Right now, they are hitting me. I groan as my face hits the floor.  "Tell us it's a dream, your not making it any easier for yourself".

I whimper "please... Stop" I felt a really hard kick, and then a sharp pain to my side.

"Let's get the stick" what's that? I watch with tired eyes, as the brunette, Ben, brings a metal stick.

It had two poles on the end of it, and when he switched it on, a static shock flew out, causing me to try to back away.

"So?" He asks, I shake my head. "Crank it up" blonde, Josh, turned up a dial.

I was jabbed, and a sore scream escaped my lips "no more... Please". I was jabbed again.

They asked me things, I kept the same answers, the shocks were turned up.

Now, I was panting, I felt weak and exhausted. They kept shocking me.

"Hey, maybe that's enough for today" Josh said. Ben kept going. I lay there, eyes shut.

"Hot... So hot..." The hose was sprayed on me, and so I turned my head. Then I was jabbed with the stick, making my body burn with electricity.

I scream my lungs out, and they hose me. I was cooling down, that's the upside.

Then, a loud howl is heard. I freeze. Was that... Something outside, or a an animal.

We all stop, and watch the door, hearing loud thudding steps. My heart beat was picking up.

Then it went deadly quiet. The guys looked at each other, then at the door.

A low snarl is heard before the door fly's off its hinges, and a large wolf creature ran through, barreling into Ben. It bit his shoulder, it's claws digging into his flesh.

I was frozen in my spot. Blood splashed everywhere, turning the once white room, to crimson.

He leaped on to Josh, and latched on to his throat, jerking to the side. I scream when I could see inside his neck, and I cry out.

It got up, it's dark burgundy fur looking soft. But it wasn't the wolf/human body that got my attention.

It was the emerald eyes.

I cry, and back away. It sniffed the air, and stalked towards me, growling.

"Get away! Please, help!" I watched as it's arm swung at me, slicking through the straight coat.

I fall to the side, but try to back up. It growls, and I watch as it slowly morphed, shrinking.

The fur turned to skin, his ears shrank back with his snout and canines.

His legs straightened, his shaggy burgundy fur rained on the top of his head, and all that was left, was a guy around my age.

He was handsome, that's for sure. But he's not human.

"W-what are you?! You're the one who attacked me! What did you do to me!".

"Easy love, this will be really easy if you just do as I say". I shake my head, no.

"Never! You attacked me! You've made me sick! What are you!" I was coughing, my skin heating up.

I look at him with dark eyes, but then suddenly, I saw him stripping, and calling my name.

I blink, and see he was just stood there, clothes still on.

What's happening?!

"I saved you from that mutt, I gave you a claiming mark, so I could find you again. I have you the gene... You will be like me".

I shake my head, no "this is all in my head. Maybe I am crazy. I haven't been sleeping properly. That's what's wrong with me. I will wake up, and this wouldn't have happened".

He growled, and I look down, seeing the sleeping pills. I grab one, and quickly swallow it, and another for extra measures.

I groan, and my head drops to the floor "this isn't real, I'll wake up, and everything will be normal".

I watched him crouch down, a dark smile on his face "you will find me when the time is right, just think of me, and I will be here. You will need me".

Slowly, my consciousness faded away with everything around me....

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