Chapter 28

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Eve's pov

I woke up, to the sensation of swaying. Confused, I swing my eyes open, and see I'm in a small spot, with two soft benches, one in front, and the one I'm on.

I glance out the window, and see whatever I'm in, is traveling through the woods.

Groaning, I move, only to feel something wrap around, me, a warm breath against my ear as they groan.

I knew who it was, and freeze "your up early, couldn't sleep?" I cough, and struggle to get off his lap.

"Easy, you are feeling a bit off since you are away from the boys, it's a sign your ready to get marked, even if you fight and don't want it. You also need me" he growls, pulling me into his chest.

I was so tired, so weak. I hate this feeling...

I rest my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat softly beat under my ear.

"Please..." I whisper, so quiet, I thought I didn't say it. "What is it?" He questions, stroking my hair softly.

"I want... No, I need to know everything. I've waited, I'm still kept in the dark... Please just tell me" he sighs.

"They really didn't tell you anything did they?" A tear escaped my eye.

"Let's start with your questions" I was shocked, I look into his eyes "you'll tell me?" He nods.

I relax, and rest my head on his chest once more, waiting till a question popped in my head.

"What is all this mate stuff? They said a tiny bit, but not a lot..." He hums, slightly growling.

"Shortly, a mate is short for soulmate, and is your other half" I nod, ok, I kind of know a little on that.

"Supernatural can have mates, the other person can be supernatural, or human. But having a human, is rare, rarer than having a different type of supernatural" I whisper an ok.

"Mates, are sacred. They are like a better version of a married couple. You cherish, and protect each other, you will do anything for them".

While he was saying this, his thumb softly stroked my side soft.

"Wait... That's why they were after me! All the arguing! Everything... I didn't realize. I'm so terrible! And I kept denying them! And said for them to leave me alone... And I miss them so much! I want-".

Suddenly, something covered my mouth, and I gasp, cutting short. I open my eyes, and see he had his lips over mine.

He pulled away, and smirked "you were rambling, and were in a small panic. Calm down". I take deep breaths, and nod.

"Do all supernatural a have mates?" He nods, then pauses.

"Well, wolves have someone who creates the bonds, linking one another as mates. However, what's going on with you and those boys is... Odd".

I was confused, how is it odd?

"Demons, they were blessed to take whoever they wanted, and have them as theirs, but marriage is needed, or something like that" I nod.

"Angels were blessed by the goddess of love, so they can fall in love like people". That's really sweet.

"You know who she is?" I nod "yes, Aphrodite" he smiles, and mumbles how cleaver I am.

"Witches, and psych people, or anyone in those categories are like people" I smile.

"What about vampires?" He chuckles "vampires can chose who they want to be their beloved".

"Is that... Why you're taking me?" I whisper, unsure. He was silent a moment.

"Yes, but no. When I met you, I felt nothing much. But when I got to you, I unconsciously chose you" I listen.

"When mates meet, they can't have another, not even after their mate dies, unless they are blessed with another, if the goddess's believe they deserve it" I say ok.

"However, with chosen, they can have another, but only if their chosen dies" I nod...

"What's the other reason you took me?" He shakes his head, "nothing..."....

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