Chapter 16

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Eve's pov

He had cleaned my face, and used a brush from a packet, and said I could use it from now on. He brushed my teeth too, and guided me to the room by the small of my back.

He set me on the bed, pulled the covers up, and said "I'll heat this up for you, get some rest ok?" I nod, and say ok.

I lay back, feeling as if I was in a cloud. I hear the door go, and he helps me up.

"Thank you..." He smiles, and blows the food, before letting me have it.

It was great, and I finished it in minutes. It was a massive bowl too.

"What... Did you... Want to talk about?" I ask softly. He sits beside me, stroking my hair.

"Do you feel sick? Like, your sick, and have a bug, stuff like that?" I nod my head "I think so, cause I was just sick" I say, trying to laugh, but it was hard.

"Werewolves don't get sick. Our bodies are strong, and always stay healthy" I nod slowly, so what's wrong with me?

"What's wrong with me?" I whisper. He thinks, then says "did you fight the shift?" I nod.

"How long?" I reply with four hours" he nods "you're strong. But if it was that, you would have died, or showed signs earlier" I nod, ok. I'm not dying.

"So... What's wrong with me?" He was in deep thought, and growled.

"Tell me what happened when you got bit" I nod "well, I left a party, I don't drink or anything, I just went to celebrate with my friend" he nods.

"I left, and walked home. One jumped me, and was scratching, and biting. It was going to kill me, or eat me" tears came to my eyes, and he brushed them away.

"Then the burgundy boy came in his half form, too, he attacked it, then bit me... Then I passed out when he licked it".

"When he bit you, he was probably to focused in claiming you, he wasn't thinking about controlling the venom" I nod.

"How long did he bite you for?" I think back, it felt like forever, but it couldn't have been long.

"Maybe five minutes?" He nods "ok, I have a theory, well a fact" I nod my head again.

"It's been said, that if a little venom gets in a human's system, the human cells, and the wolves fight, and the one who wins, stays and takes over. So they turn either into a werewolf, or stay human".

He takes a breath, and continues.

"The wolf venom is strong, it always beats the human cells. If the human is injured, the venom still becomes dominant" Ok, where is he going with this?

"Ok, but what has this got to do with me being sick?" He smiles softly.

"Well, you were badly injured, and he was only able to get a little venom in. Your cells are fighting, whether to keep you human or not. No one has ever became human before".

"That's why your being sick. I think you could be ok" I smile, and thank him.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I whisper in confusion. He strokes my cheek "because your a very special person to me".

I was confused. Before I could ask anything else, he freezes. I look at him in shock, and wave my hand in front of his face.

He wasn't even blinking.

I poke his nose, then his lips, they were soft. Suddenly, he pecks them, making me jump.

"Sorry, I had to" he chuckles "what happened, I thought something was wrong, cause you froze" I sigh, happy nothings wrong.

"Werewolf thing. I was linked, and that's why I froze a little. Then I noticed your finger and pretended. Then I kissed it" I blush, and nod.

"Is it ok if I go? There is a major thing I need to fix, but I don't wan to leave..." I smile "it's ok, go. It's important".

He smiled, and pecked my head "you're amazing. Please don't leave the bed till I, or Kaden come ok?" I nod, and he shows that bright smile again.

He said, bye, and I waved him off. I sigh. I can't stay in bed all day. I wish Kade would come.

Suddenly a tap hits the window, making me jump. I get up, tired. I shuffle to the window, and see Kade.

I smile, and wave. He waves his arm, as if saying come down. I nod, and make my way around the massive house.

I close the door behind me, the fresh air making me feel better. Suddenly, an urge came over me.

I wanted to see burgundy. I need him here. I want him to hold me, kiss me. The way his lips-

I shake my head, what the hell is wrong with me?!

I clear the thoughts, and look for Kade. Where did he go?

I hear rustling, and see a figure by the trees. I smile, and shuffle over. I was still a little weak, but I'm not going to let it keep me in bed.

"Kade?" I call out. I follow the figure, and see where he's going....

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