Chapter 30

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Eve's pov


That's all I see. Darkness. I was scared, as much as I want to deny it, I can't. I want my boys here!

Mystery pov

She was still asleep, night was coming. Perfect. I look at my men, "you" I growl, pointing at the buff guy "stay, guard her".

He nods "do anything, you will end in the pits of hell" he bowed his head, and stood to the side, keeping watch.

I take my spot by the large tree, the slightly smaller ones littering the area. "Men, take position. Don't do anything before the signal, you all know the plan" they bow, and vanish.

I smirk, not long... Things will soon came to an end...

Kaden's pov

We followed Calex, he seemed to know what he's doing. It was questionable though. How does he know where he's going?

"How do you know where we are going?" He growls "not sure, I just do".

We follow him, and I watch as he shifts into his half form, he looked massive. Scary even.

We shift as well, my Brunette fur coating my body, my green eyes still showing, not gray, like my wolf.

Jax's body turned black, like the night, eyes still blue. They growl, and charge on.

I know Jax is feeling angered that his mate has been taken, and anything could be happening. Calex, he feels the same, but how he is, hell will be let lose.

After another hour of charging through the woods, twigs snapping under our paws, animals clearing a path for us, knowing we were the ones in charge.

We make it to a clearing, seeing a single vampire. I growl, this doesn't feel right.

I link the guys "trap?" I question. They look, and nod at me. I smirk, dumb blood suckers.

"I'll go take them out" I say, they look at me, nodding. I'm good at combat.

Judging by how confident the guy is, he's in a group. At least 5. I sneak round, and hide by the tree, keeping low, and out of the way of the wind.

I count ten, all in different spots, I'll start with the closest, and work my way-

Sniffing, I spin around, only to receive a hard force, smacking me in the face, darkness instantly taking over...

Jax's pov

I watched as the scene unfolded, the vampire turned, and watched as a friend of his drag a body towards the platform.

Ignoring that, I see my beautiful mate unconscious there. She looked peaceful, but anxious. She must be having a bad dream.

I grow angry, but Calex was livid. We look at the new figure, and snarl.

"They have Kaden" I growl. Without a spare second, Calex charged over there with speed I've never seen him use.

I follow in pursuit, ripping off one of their heads, and see five more coming, all together, 15 left.

Calex was on a rampage, tearing through them like paper. He wanted to get to his mate, whatever means necessary.

More kept coming, no matter how many we killed, we stood out ground, and fought.

As we step back, I felt kind of restrained. Like I could move my body, just not from the small area I was standing in.

I had about an arm's length, and a few inches to spare. I see Calex trying to fight the barrier, but it was no use. He was growling like a rabid beast.

"Shift!" A voice calls out from the treeline. I watch as a vampire chucked Kade into a barrier, causing him to slowly wake.

H touched the invisible surface and growled, he had already shifted back.

I shift, and Calex stood his ground. He looked at me, and I nod.

He growls, and slowly does so....

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