Chapter 24

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Eve's pov

The same thing happened, I was up, snuck around the house, they were in the garden, so I quickly ran back in, and went to the library.

I finished reading a small book, when I heard the door go. I put it down, getting up.

I tiptoe around the shelves, seeing Jax sniffing. I head to the door, and quietly shut it.

I head in the corridor, and see Kade looking my way, but not actually seeing me, as he looks around.

I hide in a room, and see him go in the library. I slide out, and quickly head back to the room.

I wonder where Calex is?... He's probably in the kitchen. I get to the room, quietly opening the door, and heading in.

Suddenly, the door shut, making me jump. I look up, seeing a smirking Calex.

"Your up" he smirks, coming towards me "y-yeah... Just to get some food, and now I'm going to bed. I'm so tired" I added a yawn.

"Where's your food?" He raises a dark brow "in my tummy?" I say in a question.

"What did you eat?" He questions, arms crossed "an apple" I say.

He nods "how was it?" He questions "it was good thanks, I haven't had it in ages. I might start eating more!".

I say, trying to show nothings up "eat what?" He asks "oranges" I say cheekily.

"Thought you had an apple?" He raises a brow, a bad boy grin on his face "thought you had apples?".

I gulp "I had both?" He took a step closer "I'm sleepy, I'm going to bed. Night, night".

"No you don't. I'm not finished with you yet" I gulp, and turn to face him.

"Lieing isn't good baby. Now, would you rather deal with the boys... Or me?" He purrs at the end.

"B-boys?" He grumbles "it would have been more fun if just the two of us".

I blush, and look away "boys!" He calls out. On cue, the door opens, then shuts.

"There you are" Kade says, grinning. "Why were you hiding?" Jax questions softly.

"I-I'm not. I-I was getting food, and came back" they all stood beside each other, brows raised, arms crossed.

"Really?" They all say in unison. I laugh, and stop "I'm going to bed" I whisper with a smile.

"Not yet" Jax states. I look at them "why are you avoiding us? Did we do something wrong?" Kade asks quietly.

"I'm not, and you didn't honest..."  I see Jax look sad "don't you like us anymore?".

With that, I broke down, and cried, even though I didn't want to.

"No! I love you all! It's not you!" I cry, trying to run out of the room, but they didn't let me.

"What's wrong? Why didn't you want to see us?" Jax hushes softly.

My arms wrap around him "it's me! How can you guys even be near me? I almost got you guys killed! I'm a hassle".

"It's not your fault, and if it was up to us, we would have you glued to us" I sob, and look at a quiet Calex.

I walk to him, and say "how can you even be in the same room as me? You could have died! It's all my fault!".

He wrapped his arms around me, keeping me locked to his chest "you have nothing to apologize for. I put you though all this. I'm the one to blame".

I shook my head no "you saved me, many times. If it wasn't for you... I could be dead" I look at Jax, and say thanks to him and Kade.

"Calex... I don't know what I would have done without you" he sighs, and kisses my head, and whispers "your all I need".

"I'm so sorry guys" I whimper. The next thing I know, is I'm surrounded by a group hug.

I smile, and hug them all "let's go, and make cakes" Kade suggests, and my mood perks up.

"Lets goooo!" I cheer, sadness long gone. "I swear, food is the key to a woman's heart" Jax mumbles, then I heard a grunt from Calex.

Couldn't disagree there....

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