Chapter 9

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Mystery pov

My wolf and I were raged. She left again, when will she learn she can't fight us?

She belongs with us.

I sniffed the area, following her scent, then I heard howls, and wines. It sent a horrible feeling through me, and I knew it was to do with her.

I felt a pull on my mind, she was thinking of me. I follow the feeling in my chest, and slowly, I find her.

The stench of blood wafted up my nose, and I growl, emerging through the bushes.

When I see a pile of white, I sniff the air, it's her. She was panting, and covered in crimson everywhere.

She had a chain colour around her neck, with a chain leading to a pole attached.

She started whining, and whimpering, I was in my wolf form, so I could move with my wolf's speed too.

She was a mess, she was in panic as well. She let out an ear-piercing cry, making anger cloud through me, and pain to my ears.

Her body was shaking, but she had passed out. Fuck sake. I roar, and go to her.

I need to get her to a river to clean her, then heal her wounds, quick.

I shift into my half form, ripping the chains off easily, and carefully. I shift back to the wolf, and shuffle under her, so she's on.

I stand, and bump one of my sides up, so she's laid on top of me.

I trot to a river, and gently lay her down. I shift, and scoop her up.

I walk into the water with her, able to keep her head afloat, as I scrub her coat.

She whimpers in her sleep, and I emerge from the water, laying her on the bank.

I shift into my wolf once more, and find her wounds, licking them all tenderly like a mother to her cub, or a male to his mate.

Definitely the last one.

She was sleeping still, and probably won't wake till a lot later.

I finish up, and just decide to curl around her small form. She rests her head on my chest and unconsciously licks it, making me growl in delight.

"Mark, now". My wolf growls. "She has been through enough. We will do it soon. Very soon".

With that, he nods, and just says he will keep his guard up while we sleep.

I nod, and shut my eyes, keeping my female safe. I muzzle her neck, growling in pride, joy and power. She's my power.

With that, sleep takes over quickly....

Eve's pov

Whimpering, I open my eyes to see I'm in the woods still. I felt something next to me shift. I whine, and shuffle back, not feeling any pain. How the hell did it stop?!

I watch as the burgundy wolf gets up, and looks at me. My tail hides between my legs, head bowed down, ears flat.

"Please don't hurt me" I sob. He growls. I crouch, whining he stalks closer, and towers over me.

"Don't be afraid of me. No harm will happen by my hand" he growls. His eyes go a golden green "let me touch you".

Why did his eyes change? How did he do that?

Suddenly, I felt him touch me, and I whimper. He seemed to calm a bit.

He shifts, and I panic again. His hand run through my coat "easy" he whispers surprisingly soft.

I try to calm down, and let him stroke me. My tail softly wags, causing him to smirk.

He growls, and shakes his head suddenly, a voice enters my head "I don't talk, only like this. I'm animalistic. My talking and others, way off. You will notice".

I was confused, and he adds "think of yourself shifting, but into your human form. Imagine what you look like, and eventually, it will be natural".

I do as he said, but my body aches, and made me cry. "It will be less painful each time" he inserts.

I keep going, and after ten minutes, I was back to normal, huddled on the floor. He stood, watching.

He growled "we better get moving, I don't want you out when it gets dark unless by my side, got it?" I nod, and try to get up.

My legs felt really jelly, and I feel weak. I stumble, but his arms automatically shoot out, wrapping around me.

I gasp, and look up into his swirling green. He growls, and scoops me up, and his body felt really warm and comforting.

"Sleep" he growls. I nuzzle his chest, and whisper "thank you" then I fell asleep in his arms....

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