Chapter 6

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Eve's pov

I woke up, I was in agony. My bones felt like they were being stamped on by elephants.

I check my phone, seeing it was 8:39am. That's a bit early, I shouldn't have stayed out all night in the woods.

I get up, seeing I was in the woods still. Good. I need to find my way home, or just chill here for a bit. Either way, I need to find a good place to relax.

One idea came to mind: bed, hot coco, cookies, and the vampire diaries!

I groan as my body heats up, my mouth ached so much, my body hurt.

I felt waves of pain, wash over me, my body felt as if it was trying to change. But I won't let it.

I fight it, biting through it, forcing it down. I won't be like this, I'm human!

After a few minutes, it stopped. I sigh, and try to get home. Every step I took, was agony.

I want Kai! But he will hate me. He will think I'm a freak. These things don't exist!

I'm a freak, always have been, always will be. I remember the words of my bully at school, I always had Kai to help me through it... But it was true.

I cry out in pain, listening as it goes from a cry, to a howl. Instantly, I shut up, and fight through it again.

I could feel my arms snapping, making me cry, my legs soon to follow. I whine, but force them back.

I walk, and even crawl when my legs give out on me, my eyes shifting, nails scratching at my flesh, when pricks hit them.

I quicken my pace, feeling my ears grow, my teeth sharpening against my lips.

Blood dribbled from my lips, but I force the teeth back to their regular size.

What happened next, was my tail, I actually grew a tail! It was the shade of snow, pretty.

Before I get comfortable with it, I shrink it back. My back arched, and I fell to my hands, and knees.

I cry out, pain was surrounding me. I fight it, until I was growing exhausted, even then, I was fighting. I see my phone was beside me.

I tap the screen, seeing it was now 12:40. I have been fighting this for four hours!

The pain just seems to intensify, but I kept beating it. I will overcome this.

I couldn't help let my thoughts wonder. Kai, I will miss him. He shouldn't know about any of this. I need him safe.

That boy, he did this to me. Why? I don't know, but he has caused this.

Maybe I should have went with him. He knows how to do all this, I could have been helped.

But he had a dark aura, that's not good. I can't do this, I don't need him. I will manage.

I scream when more pain hits me. I hear the sound of foot steps, and look up.

I see the boy with a dark look in his eyes, arms folded "you should have staid with me, you wouldn't be going through all this" I whimper, and look away.

"You thought of me, I'm here. Now, I will assist you" I shake my head, and growl. "N-no!".

My leg changes, but I force it back, tears coating my face as I fall to my side.

"How long have you been fighting it?" I whimper "f-four... Hours" he growls "your strong, the longest known is half an hour, then they turn, or die".

I whine, and he growls. I try to crawl away, but he held me down, stroking my hair.

I felt so weak, and tired. "I... Want to sleep... Please..." He shakes his head "don't sleep. Let me guide you". I groan.

He strokes my hair, and whispers "you have two stages. You have the one you saw me turn into. Then you have the complete form".

"I want this over with... It hurts so much" I whine. He growls, and inhales heavily.

"Relax, but listen to my voice" I do so, and he says "I'm going to touch your body, it will keep you calm, and ease the pain a bit. Plus, it will keep you cool".

I was unsure, but I scream when my arms snap. He rubs his hand over the area, and everything he said was true.

I relax, and whenever something happened, he soothed it better. "I'm going to shift now, I will make a link".

I watched, as he swiftly transformed into a burgundy wolf, the fur looked so silky, and the sun made it look fiery.

His emerald eyes had me entranced, and then I heard it "can you hear me sweetheart?"

I look around "it's me, I made a link. You will understand me now".

I whine, and roll around "make it stop!" I scream. He licked my neck, and it sent sparks, making me purr.

"Ok, now... Let it happen. I will stay beside you, just relax". So that's what I did.

Everything snapped again, and re-shaped itself. Then my senses grew sharper, better.

Fur littered my skin, turning my skin, into snow fluff. Then, it all stopped. I roll to my side, panting.

"You look breathtaking" I look at him, to see he's towering over me. I try to get up, but he stands over me, so I can't.

"Stay down" I shake "crowded..." I think. He growls "bare your neck, it will calm me down".

I whimper he growls again. I whine "so tired..." My head drops to the side, and exhaustion took over....

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