Chapter 18

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Mystery pov

I pace the room, growling in anger. I remember watching over her the other night, and the night before...

I had been watching her. She was always asleep when I visited. I could smell in undetected. It was just a gift I had.

If I entered his house, he would know, so I had to stay at the window.

I really want to take her back with me, to hold her. I could see her dreams of me, they call to me, just like her unconsciously.

My wolf is itching to break free, to break the window and take back what's ours....

Soon, I will take her back-

Suddenly, the door opened, and I snarl, who the fuck comes into my home?!

Looking at it, I see Jax. I snarl "get the fuck out of my house, or I won't make it pretty" I snarl.

"We can settle this another time, I need your help" I growl, and notice Kaden behind him.

He met my eye, and nodded. I tilt my head ever so slightly, and look at Jax.

"What makes you think I give a shit, and would help you?" I growl.

"Eve's why" my skin felt fuzzy hearing her name. I refrain from purring at it, and glare, marching over to him.

"What the fuck, has she got to do with this?" He sighs, but keeps the straight face.

"Vampires. They attacked the pack, she was taken" with that, my blood was on fire, my wolf trying to get free, growling how he wants kick his ass, and raise hell on those blood suckers.

"Fine. But one condition" I smirk. There is no way, I'm helping him get her back.

Not unless she is beside me once more in the deal.

"What do you want?" He growls, I was unfazed, but growl back "I want her".

He was growling, eyes slowly switching "Jax... As much as you hate it, it's to save her" Kade suggests.

At least he knows what he's doing.

"Fine, let's go" with that, we all shift into our wolves, and race off to where the most unlikely place is.

They would hide where no one would expect. Don't worry my mate, I'm coming....

Eve's pov

My body felt so numb, and weak. My head was still foggy, while my eyes groggily opened.

I noticed I was in a dimly lit room, but I could see slightly. It was plain bricked, before being painted. The floor was wooden, and I couldn't move.

I groan, and try again, but I see I was tied down in an arm chair, made of pure metal.

Breaking it, is out of the though bubble now. "Ah, I see your awake, my sweet".

I look up weakly, only to see a smirking blonde. He was the one who kidnapped me.

I look at my arms, and see needles coming out of them. Following, I see a tube connected to bags. Four to be exact.

"What's... Going... On?" I whisper. He chuckles, and came close, his finger trailing my neck.

Then he played with my hair. I move my head away, earning another chuckle.

"I'm sorry, bit this is how it has to go. Maybe if it was different, I would keep you as mine" I shake my head, no.

"What... Are you doing... To me?" He smiles "I'm draining you of your blood".

"Why?" He raises a brow, arms crossed "well, for food. But since you have wolf cells in your blood. It's poisonous to us normal vamps" My eyes slightly widen.

"So, we will drain you, then put some blood in, and your genes will turn it into yours, like it never changed, like it was before we drained you".

I felt tired "what if... You get it wrong?" He rubs the back of his neck "then I guess you would die for nothing" he shrugs.

I struggle, and the needles hurt. I might not last much longer.

"Keep struggling, the faster you will lose blood" I was huffing, and panting.

"Wait... You said... wolf blood is... poisonous... You drank mine" he chuckles.

"Clever, I was seeing how long it would take for you to click on. I'm not just a vampire, I have a bit of demon in me. Because I was infected. It was only a little, so the vampire side is dominant. Your blood doesn't effect me, or the first vampire, and the bloodline of them".

"Look, how about I give you something to enjoy before you pass out" I shake my head, no.

My head droops a little, and he tilted it up. I could smell the mint from his gum, hear the creak in the floor as he moves. Feel my blood slipping away.

"Too bad darling" with that, he swooped down, and pressed his lips to mine.

I gasp, and he smiles, kissing me deeply. His thumb stroking my cheek softly.

He pulled away, and whispered "well done, I'm proud of you" he wondered off, and came back with a pillow.

He tucked it behind my head, and I look at him in wonder. "No matter what, you can count on me".

Then my vision faded away....

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