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A Month Later - January

"I'm sorry Rachel honey, there is no way we will let you go like this." Hiram said.

"But I'm fine!" I said and when I get up the bed, I got dizzy and almost fell and my dads hold me.

"I'm sorry honey." Leroy said.

"But today it's Regionals." I whined to them.

"We know and we're sorry. But it will be worst if you go. What if you transmit to someone? To Finn? You said that he was very important in the performance today! What if you faint on the stage? You will stay here young lady." Hiram said and I groaned.

"I can't simply don't go!" I said.

"Rachel! You're sick. You're burning and can stand be up." Hiram said and I sighed.

"I will call William and tell him that you won't go today." Leroy said and they left my room.

After 10 minutes later when I was almost falling asleep again my phone started ringing and I groaned and pick up the phone.

"What?!" I said mad.

"Oh good morning for you too, Princess." Finn joked. Damn, I should've looked the ID.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"It's okay, anyway, I called to know if you're okay. Mr.Schue just told us that your dads didn't let you come cause you're really sick." He said.

"I'm great! I could've totally go but my dads are annoying." I said and Finn laughed.

"I agree with them, if you're sick, you shouldn't come." He said.

"Argh, when you three become a group to ruin my life?!" I said and Finn burst out laughing. "Not funny, Hudson."

"I'm sorry." He said but then he burst out laughing again and I laughed with him. He is so silly. "Anyway, you sound like someone who is really sick, so they're right for make you stay home. I will pass by there after the competition. I'll ask someone to record so I can show you everything." He said and I smiled, he can't see tho.

"Fine Mr, but if you get sick after you come here it's on you." I said and he laughed.

"Will worth it." He said.

"Okay babe, good luck today. You don't need tho cause the performance is great. Love you." I said and he chuckled.

"Aww, thank you. Love you too." He said and we hang up. I got comfortable under my covers again and just doze off.

Finn's POV

I got at Rachel's after Regionals, by the way we won, I ring the bell excited cause I want to tell her everything that happened. But no answer. I grab the key that they keep under the carpet and opened the house's door. I go to Rachel's room and see that she is on a deep sleep. She probably feel asleep after we talked that was hours ago. I lay next her and pull her into my arms and pet her hair lightly.

"Wh-" She started saying confused.

"Shh...Shh...Sleep babe." I whispered petting her hair and she buried her face in me and fell asleep again.

I kiss the top of her head every now and then and just keep watching her in a deep sleep. That's so Rachel. How can someone be perfect even sick and sleeping? She can! I'm crazy about her. I will do everything in my power to protect her. I won't let her get hurt ever again. Eventually, I fall asleep with my Rach.

Rachel's POV

I woke up reaaaally confused. I slept the entire day cause it's already dark. When I was going to get up I felt arms around next to me and I opened my eyes I see my Finny there, looking handsome as he sleep. He really came. I just cuddle with him and breathe his good sent. My Finn. After a few minutes he started to move and I guess he is waking up.

"Hm...What?" He said confused then he noticed that he is in my room and look to me and smiled. "Hey there sleeping beauty."

"Look who is talking, you slept the entire afternoon!" I said.

"So did you!" He said.

"True." I said "But I'm sick."

"And I'm tired." He said laughing and I laughed as well. "How you're feeling?" He asked.

"Like crap, less crap cause you're here. But still like crap." I said and he laughed and kissed my forehead "How time is it?"

"Time for you take some medicine, you're burning." He said. "You stay here and I will grab it for you." He said and left. He is so caring all the time. He is amazing.

"Hey I'm back." He said. "First let's take your temperature." He said and I put the thermometer in my mouth and wait the time. Then he take off and his eyes widened. "Lay down, your fever is still really high. 104°F. Now the medicine." He said and gave me the pills and a glass a water, I smiled to him and took it. "Now, just one more thing. You lay down and let me work." He sai said and I chuckled. I just patiently waited for him then he comeback with a wet clothe and put on my forehead "My mom always do that when I'm sick. So I guess it works." He said.

"Now can you slow down and please lay with me?" I asked and he half smiled and he does exactly what I said. "Thank you for taking care of me."

"Don't need to thank me. When you get pregnant of our many Finchel babies I will take care of you all the times." He said.

"How many Finchel babies exactly?" I asked with a smile.

"A lot of them." Finn said.

"We talk about it later." I said and he laughed "So! You didn't told me how was Regionals!"

"It was awesome! We won!" He said and I felt a weight get off my shoulders. "I have the performance recorded, wanna watch?"

"Of course!" I said.

"Oh my God!!! It was so beautiful!!!" I said excited and smiling and he chuckled.

"Right?" He said proud. We kept talking more but then Finn insisted of me trying to fall asleep again cause I had to rest. I closed my eyes and cuddle with him. I can't fall asleep but I'm really relaxed. He is petting my hair lightly and kiss me every now and then. He is just so caring.

"I love you so much, Rach." He said to himself cause he thinks I'm sleeping "So much."

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