About Liberty and horse shifters

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I am a horse shifter. My name is Liberty Redwillow. I am apart of the Silver Hollow Herd that is my fathers- Lee Redwillow; the boss stallions- herd. I am 15 in my human and horse form, almost 16. I have two brothers. Both older. Liam was 19, Sam was 17. Always hoping to run into their mates. Poor saps. Fell for that sappy mate stuff. I am pretty normal, I guess. Except for the fact that I have no inner horse. In my horse and human form I control myself, unlike others where their inner horse controls their horse form and they control their human form.
I have a blue eye and a brown eye in both my forms, my brown eye is caused by my lost 'inner horse.' Though I am perfectly fine. Not having an inner horse doesn't affect my health nor any of my forms.
In human form, I am tall, 5'7. I am olive skinned with brunet hair. In my horse form, I am a silver roan. A rare coat color. I am almost 16 hands tall to the shoulder. {A/N: a hand is 4 inches} But not quite. My body is a silvery blue/black. My legs are black up to my knees, then they lighten until they're the color of my body. My head is black that lightens to a faint silvery grey towards the top of my head, my ears are black with little silvery tips. My mane and tail are black with faint reddish brown streaks.
Yet others avoid me, save from a few loyal friends. But I don't care, I've been a misfit since I was a foal.
But I don't ever want a mate. Ever. I'd always feel like a burden and I don't intend to settle down. I want to live. Travel. Do things.
Not raise bratty foals the rest of my life and deal with a possessive stallion who would watch my every move.
Or have to deal with rejection. I fear that most. Being rejected. You'd think that wouldn't bother me. But I feel emotions like that more strongly than others since I've no inner horse. Besides, I'm pretty sure the Wind Goddess didn't plan a mate for me.
Anyway, I LOVE to run. Feeling the wind in my mane, hear the thunder of my hooves. Seeing the world blur by. It's amazing! I spend most of my time in my horse form.
Since I've no inner horse, my horse instincts are blended with my human instincts when I'm human. So I'm very alert, but not skittish.
All horse shifters can think independently like humans when horse. But our horse instincts are stronger. No we don't sit around grazing all day. In fact, we don't really like grass.
Family and marked mates can mind link. {they're a lot like werewolves} Mates aren't true mates until they've mated and the guy marks his mate.

A/N: So yeah, that's about Liberty and horse shifters in general. Btw; "these quotations mean someone's talking out loud"; 'these are mind speech'; and *these are sounds*
P.S. There will be bad language so don't get angry if you see some.

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