Chapter I: The birth of Love.

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Before the Golden age, the Primordials ruled the universe and it's inhabitants. Oranus ruled the Skies, Gaea- the Earth, Nyx - the Night, Erebus - the Shadows, Aether - the Light, Hemera - the Day, Tartarus - the Pit, Pontus - the Oceans, Thalassa - the Seas and so on. The Primordials were a powerful race yet they remained peaceful and maintained harmony in the universe. Oranus and Gaea had several children named the Titans. They were beings of great power but their power was limited to the domains they were gifted by the primordials. Oranus ruled the Earth and the skies with his wife, Gaea as his queen. His reign was a time of peace and growth but a single prophecy from his sister Anake, incited an inevitable change in history.

The prophecy that Oranus received stated that his own children would betray him and usurp his throne and this cycle would repeat itself for them too until the hatred is dispelled. Oranus knew his death was imminent but made no attempts to change fate. His wife, coaxed her eldest son, Kronos into fulfilling the prophecy as she didn't wish to see her younger children(the giants) suffer. So she manipulated and lied to him hoping to incite some incentive. Gaea's plan worked as the Titan Kronos, and his four brothers, slew their father in a fit of rage and hatred. His brothers, Atlas, Koios, Krios and Oceanus held down their father as Kronos used the sickle gifted by his mother to castrate and dispel his father's physical form.

The scattered remains of Oranus fell to the Earth and from their convergence were born the Gigantes. The bloodied remains of Oranus' groin fell into the waters of his sister Thalassa. The water frothed with white foam and churned as an enchanting woman rose from it's depths. Her dark hair framed her triangular face and flowed upto her abdomen. Her irides were a kaleidoscopic blue and silver before they flashed into ever-changing patterns. Her luscious lips were a deep shade of red and her skin a glowing shade of bronze. The woman suddenly fell unconscious on a magical island and the magical island slowly floated away to the coasts of Greece. By the time the island reached the shores of Greece, the Titans ruled all the lands stretching from the Alps in the west to the Carpathians in the east and the Balkans in the south. Their fame and control soon spread through the continent all the way up to the Caucasus region. Meanwhile the woman had grown so accustomed to the comfortable isolation of her island that when she reached the shores of Greece, she was completely unaware of anything. Yet the children of the Titans, who had recently escaped their imprisonment in their father's stomach, welcomed her. She was welcomed to Greece by Zeus, Poseidon, Hades and their sisters. The enchanting woman told her tale to the rebellious children of the Titan Lord. She stayed with them and fought at their side in the brutal wars of the Titanomachy that ravished all the lands. After their victory over their father at the hands of his 3 eldest children, the children ascended to Godhood and took control of their domains. The youngest brother ruled the skies, the middle brother ruled the oceans, while the eldest brother ruled the underworld. Their sisters too became Goddess and presided over their domains. Several of their allies relinquished ties to the Titans and accepted Godhood to become a part of the First Olympian Pantheon. The enchanting woman who help the Gods in their battles too was granted Godhood and a seat on the pantheon. Thus the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, was born.

Meanwhile unknown to the Titans and Gods, the oceans churned for a long time. The waters of Thalassa delved into an uncontrollable frenzy known as the sea of monsters. However the iconic monsters Scylla and Charybdis were yet to be birthed by Typhon and Echidna, the Immortal parents of all monsters. Even the might of Oceanus and Poseidon did nothing to stop the storms that raged in those waters. Over time the waters of Thalassa became a tale of legend and horror. When the Gods finally ascended to their godhood and formed the pantheon, the raging storms in the churning waters of Thalassa slowly subsided and a man rose from the water. His hair was darker than midnight and his body was the epitome of perfection. From his back stretched two pristine white wings and sunshine glinted off his lightly tanned body. The oceans slowly returned to their state of peace. As the man opened his eyes, his irides glowed a brilliant shade of purple before they settled into kaleidoscopic pattern of glistening blue and silver. He looked around to see the isolated oceans and raised his hand. However before the mysterious figure could even fathom, he was covered in a glowing purple light. The mysterious figure shrunk in size as the light continued to permeate the surrounding air. His muscled torso and arm shrank until they matched that of a 3 week baby. As the light died down, a masked man in an amethyst suit of armor approached the floating toddler, who was now bawling his eyes out. He gently held the baby and soothed him as the baby's cries slowly turned into sobs. The masked man lulled the baby and softly said, "Sleep well son. You have a brilliant future ahead of you. But worry not, your mother, sister and I will be there for you. Now get some rest." As the man said the last sentence, the baby's eyes drooped and it snuggled into the man's armor while sucking its thumb. Seconds later the strange man disappeared with the mysterious baby, leaving no trace of their existence.

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