Chapter V: The Deadly Chase

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This chapter is dedicated to SortaCats for the wonderful guesses made about the characters. Also a round of thanks to all the readers, voters and commentors. 

On August 17th, 2010 AD;

It was a cloudy afternoon in August as a school bus slowly made its way across the modern city of New York. Inside the bus, next to a 12 year old girl with pale olive skin and dark hair, sat a boy with identical pale olive skin and black hair. To everyone around them, the twins were considered losers but little did they know that those twins were meant for great things. In front of the olive skinned boy sat a kid with shaggy brown hair and a visible mustache. A girl with curly red hair and freckles kept tossing her food at the poor kid who remained silent. The dark haired twins reigned in their anger with great difficulty before glaring at the ginger girl with such ferocity that she flinched looking away from the identical pairs of onyx eyes. The twins attempted to confront the girl but were stopped by the kid who said, "Guys, you can't do it. You will be punished. You are already on probation. Besides I like peanut butter." The olive skinned boy whispered furiously, "I don't care, Grover. That ginger bitch thinks she can run this place. Someone must show her her place." The kid now identified as Grover, looked at his friend worriedly and said, "It's okay, man. Let it go. It doesn't do well to hold grudges."

The twins reluctantly sat down as they continued glaring at the aforementioned girl. The bus eventually reached its destination, the New York Museum of History. The entourage of mismatched students were led into the galleries by a bearded man in a wheel chair and a tall museum guide. The children slowly followed their teacher into the exhibits and were milling around a statue when the dair haired boy loudly said, "Would you shut up?". The twins' cheeks were tinted pink in embarrassment as the man in the wheelchair stopped his explanation and asked, "Mr. Di'Angelo, is there something you have to say?" The boy in question merely shook his head as the others snickered at him, none louder than a curly red haired girl.

Nico POV:

Ugh. That bitch. She always gets me into trouble. I never wanted Mr. Brunner to shut up, I wanted Nancy to shut up. But no one even believes me when I tell them that Nancy is basically the devil's spawn, except for Bi, Grover and Mr. Brunner. Mr Brunner is the only one who catches her doing shady stuff. He has like radar ears.

After a depressing note on Greek history, Mr. Brunner allowed us to go on our lunch break. Seriously why would those myths even matter, it's the equivalent of the modern boogeyman. Before Bi and I could leave, Mr. Brunner called us out and asked us, "Ah. Nico and Bianca, while your answers on the history of Greece were astute. You must find an answer to my question, 'how would this help you?' I only expect the best from the two of you. Now go have lunch." After Mr. Brunner left, I looked at Bianca and knew she was thinking the same thing as me.

Bianca POV:

After the enlightening conversation with Mr. Brunner, I looked at Nico and immediately knew what he was thinking. You see we are not like normal twins, we have this ability, I guess, where we know what the other is thinking or feeling. Ever since we could remember, we always felt what the other felt. It was both a blessing and a curse. When either one of us were sad, the other would know. When either one of was hurt, the other would know. We were always together even when when we were not. The embarrassing down side was that we felt everything that the other felt and when I say everything, I mean everything. We researched this phenomenon several times, but we only found one piece of relevant information. Unfortunately for us, it was a myth, a legend, a tale of dubious origin. The story spoke of times in ancient Greece and Rome, when twins of opposite gender with godly blood were born. However that is a story for another time.

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