Chapter VII: We See A Ghost

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Annabeth POV:

It was 10:00 AM and the twins were nowhere to be seen. I was heading to swordsmanship class taught by Luke, the youngest teacher in camp, when Chiron asked me to find the new campers. Even thought I prefer my dagger, I always attended Luke's class, just to have the knowledge incase I ever needed it. I didn't know what to think of the twins. They were close, like very very close. I knew there was something about them but I couldn't figure out what it was and so I prayed to my mother. She always had a plan, however today I didn't get any response to my prayers. Although I could her someone cursing in the wind but it was in Latin.

I sighed deeply before making my way into the forest, the last place they were seen heading to. I only hoped that they weren't victims of some unfortunate accident with some stray animal or monster. It was clear that the girl was a rookie demigod who had just been introduced to the mythological world. But the boy, Nico, he was closed off. It was a sharp contrast to Grover's description. The boy was anxious and extremely alert. His posture was defensive and closed off to anyone but his sister. That brought me back to the first question. How close are they?

As I entered the forest clearing near the lake, I noticed the twins laughing and throwing leaves and sticks at each other. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed before walking up to them and asking, "What are you two doing? Chiron has been looking for you." I didn't wait for an answer as the girl opened her mouth and I said, "Just follow me. I have to get to class anyway." The two of them followed me whispering all the way. Before dropping them off at the big house, we were intercepted by Clarisse. Normally I'd rebuke her for attempting to bully someone so young but I wanted to know the capabilities of the twins, so I let her drag them to the restrooms. The kids squirmed and struggled in her grip but they couldn't escape. Just when I thought that they were going to be dunked into the toilets, Clarisse tripped over something and fell face first into the toilet. Nico kicked her butt (literally) hard and his sister, Bianca slammed the seat down hard and flushed. While the twins ran towards me giggling, I was focused on Clarisse. There was no visible step or stone or anything for her to slip on. The floor wasn't wet before either. The kids hid behind me as the Ares cabin dragged a cursing and kicking Clarisse away. If they were able to take down Clarisse, then they were worthy to be tested further. So I turned to them and said, "Not bad. Most new campers suffer through it just to appease Clarisse. But you are definitely different." They blushed lightly and Bianca said, "Thanks". While Nico mumbled something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like Latin. I grinned as a thought struck me and I asked them if they were willing to join my team for the weekly capture the flag. After some persuasion, they relented and agreed to join the game.

In the evening, Chiron announced the team split up. The red team consisted of the Ares, Dionysius, Aphrodite and Apollo cabins while our team, the blue team consisted of the Athena, Hermes and Hephaesteus cabins. As cabin leaders of our cabins, Luke and I always took lead. The Athena cabin has been unbeaten for over a few decades or so, in a campers only CTF game. While I prepared the battle plan and strategy, Luke was in charge of the tactics and armaments. I finished assembling the last of the defenses, when I saw the twins looking lost in a crowd of armoured demigods. Bianca was armed with a sword while Nico looked unarmed. It was strange but he could have possessed some enchanted weapon. He looked around at the campers with distate. It was perfect. I had set the trap, now to see if they would catch the bait.

I slowly made my way through the crowd and approached the twins. I coughed to get their attention as Bianca was making poses with her sword and Nico was glaring at the grass, almost as if challenging it to burn. Without further ado, I told them to guard the stream along the boundary of the game field. Once the game began, I donned my invisibility cap and followed them as they took their positions. Bianca hid herself in the bushes while Nico just stood under a tree. I could hear Bianca whisper shouting at her brother, asking him to be more interested in the game and that they would resolve their problem later, whatever that problem was. He merely shushed her as they waited for any approaching enemies. I didn't have to wait too long as Clarisse and her siblings made their way to the stream.

On seeing the twins, Clarisse laughed maniacally saying, "Oh, look who it is. The wonder twins. You are going to wish you were never born." Nico and Bianca, who abandoned her hideout on seeing her brother be outnumbered, were standing back to back. Bianca wielded a dual edged sword while her brother pulled out a pencil. I heard Clarisse mock him saying, "What are you going do, idiot? Poke me with a pencil?" He made no move to attack her and simply rotated the pencil in his hand, the pencil began enlargening and transforming into a strange spear. It looked beautiful, with vivid scenes carved upon the faces of the spear and a gleaming golden tip. The spear was not the standard Greek spear, this looked heavy and was made of some godly metal other than celestial bronze.

The twins crouched slightly with their weapons in their hands. Nico held the spear in his right hand, which was behind his left hand. The spear was slanted with the gleaming tip pointed at sky. Bianca held her sword, blade parallel to her chest. Clarisse and her siblings sprang into action, rabidly attacking the twins. Clarrise swiped her electrified spear, Maimer, down along the height of Bianca. Bianca lifted her sword just in time to avoid being sliced open. She began swinging her sword at Clarisse's head, who for her part was toying with the inexperienced demigoddess. Meanwhile, Nico was deflecting the sword and spear strikes sent his way. However his fighting style was weird. His motion was restricted but he wasn't wearing any armour. The motion of his spear was restricted to jabbing and swiping. But he too was barely holding onto the onslaught by the 3 sons of Ares. As the twins made a last stand, against what could most definitely be death, Clarisse taunted them, "Pathetic, is that the best you got? No wonder you mother got killed. You couldn't save her even if you wanted." The twins had twin expressions of rage on their face as they charged their opponents with renewed vigour.

I watched in shock as the shadows of Clarisse and her siblings, gathered around their legs, giving the impression that they were alive. As Clarisse and her siblings tried to move, they found themselves rooted to the spot. Nico took the time to send swift smacks to their arms, effectively disarming them. Bianca, however, swung her sword with too much force and Maimer shattered, leaving Clarisse clutching onto a shard of her former weapon. The horn sounded indicating the end of the game and we all turned to see Luke being cheered by our team while holding the enemy's flag.

I had an idea of the twins' parentage but it was guess. It wasn't possible because of the oath. No.. If the oath was broken, that meant.. No. It didn't matter. The twins had a tired expression on their faces as their made their way to the dining pavilion, followed by an irate Clarisse, yelling a multitude of threats.

I sat next to Luke congratulating him, while keeping an eye on the twins, when suddenly an image shimmered into existence in the middle of the pavilion. A ghost like man with high cheekbones and a sharp nose, dressed in a purple toga with a crown of olives on his head, appeared. His eyes flashed with anger as he looked around and settled his gaze on someone bowing. He made his way over to the bowing figure, howering swiftly and muttering under his breath. He stopped in front of the kneeling boy and spoke, "Surge, Romae Filium." He rose up and I was shocked. It was Nico. No way. I couldn't follow the conversation much as I had a basic knowledge of Latin but it was rudimentary at best.

Nico replied, "Im 'macte suovitaurilibus conspectu tuo, domine mi. Sed quid venisti?"

[I'm honoured by your presence, my lord. But what brings you here?]

The man hurriedly said, "Vos plagam caput, mi fili. Legioni subsidio vestras. Praetoris quaerit auxilium tuum. Facite me superbia."

[you must go west, my son. The legion needs your help. The praetor seeks your aid. Make me proud.]

Nico replied, "Ego autem, domine mi. Sed quis es?"

[I will, my lord. But who are you?]

The man smiled before he said, "Occursum meum, et tu frater, ubi primum. Et erit quaerenti, pueri. Sit vobiscum motu veridicos Parcae." and dissappeared into thin air.

[You will meet my brother, soon. He will answer your questions, child. May the Parcae Be with you.]

The dining pavilion delved into chaos after a minute of silence. Clarisse and her cabin mates were yelling at the twins, calling them traitors. The twins for their part were simply standing next to each other, whispering something. Before the situation got any worse, Chiron slammed his hoofs on the floor, getting everyone's attention. He told the campers to have their dinner and get rest as the sing along was cancelled. He motioned for the twins to follow him as he entered the big house.

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