Chapter IX: A Forgotten Tale

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Third person POV

In a majesticly lit cathedral underneath the clear night sky, stood a man and a boy. The boy was clearly injured with blood running across his chest and leaves and sticks strewn in his hair. The man however reeked of power, a presence that brought along an eerie peace with it. He had greasy, black hair and was dressed in a dark suit with a black and platinum striped tie and a tombstone gray shirt. He wore a silver ring on his finger and his skin was pale, so much so that it looked almost blue, like cold milk. His eyes shone with a dark power and magnificence.

The blonde boy bowed his head before the powerful being and spoke in Latin, 'Lord Pluto, an honour to be in your presence. Thank you lord for you gracious help.' The god of the dead merely raised an eyebrow and replied, 'You are remarkable for a son of Jupiter, praetor. However I am not here to discuss your merit. Rise, praetor.'

The bowing teen rose and the god continued, 'While I do not approve of my nephew's choice to release this prophecy, I cannot stand in its path. This is just the beginning, son of Jupiter. You must complete this quest with haste.' The teen, Jason, was clearly shocked. This prophecy was too complicated, just like any prophecy, but the icing on this cake was that somehow even the gods stood divided. The gods may have a thousand quarrels amongst one another but they always stood united against an external threat, even if their approaches were different. But now the gods stood divided and it just so happened in the life time of 2 of the big three's children.

The lord of the dead sighed as he ran a hand along the hem of his impeccable suit. 'It was a long time ago, when Rome conquered Greece and transformed our existence, we began adopting our roles in the Roman society. The Capitoline triad consisting of Jupiter, Juno and Mars ruled over any and all matters regarding the mortal and often the immortal world. The council lost its voice as Jupiter and Juno arbitrarily ruled Olympus while their son became the protector and patron of Rome. Jupiter decreeded that no God shall interfere in mortal affairs unless the Titans were released, a rule he insisted upon since the incarceration of our father. The gods found a loophole, at first they merely used it for helping their children or the mortals. But soon they began recklessly altering mortal affairs. The loophole was the fact that only a God couldn't interfere in mortal affairs. So the gods adopted an immortal champion each and they interfered on their patron's behalf, much like Diana's huntresses. When Jupiter learned of this, he struck down all the champions and cast them into my kingdom after removing their immortality. Even the one's hidden by their patron's were found and struck down. Only one champion escaped, he was the champion of Neptune, a boy by the name of Perseus.', said the God.

Jason listened intently to the forgotten tale as the lord of riches sat on an ornate chair of shadows that formed behind him. He asked the God in front of him, 'What happened to Perseus, my lord?'. The king of the underworld replied, 'There is not much information on Perseus but the only people to have seen him are the Atlantians and the members of Neptune's court. They called him, 'The Angel' but never spoke of his appearance to an outsider, even an Olympian. Neptune swore an oath that he did not hide his champion, which was the only reason a full blown war had been averted. Diana and Mercury scoured the earth for him but neither found any trace of him and to this day Diana holds a grudge against Neptune because he refused to let Diana in his domain.'

Jason couldn't help but remember the prophecy that spoke of an angel. Before he could voice his thoughts, the lord of the dead spoke, 'Yes, as you can imagine, Neptune is furious that his beloved champion will be killed before he gets to meet him. I do not blame him, unlike the other gods, Neptune only had a champion because he needed an emissary to unite the Atlantian kingdoms. Neptune even forced Jupiter to restrict Venus to Olympus. So make haste son of Jupiter, time grows short. Your quest has barely begun but you must make haste before the prophecy reaches fruition. The enemies of Rome will hunt you to stop you from reaching the champion but you cannot give up. Head to the school and you will be safe. Make haste, Praetor.'

The cathedral and the lord of the dead dissolved into darkness as the blonde boy woke up, in a cave surrounded by his fellow questmates, gasping for air. They were close, close to the school. They just needed to get there to get help. It was likely that the 'twins of the stars' were there but regardless of the chance, they had to reach the school. For their lives, for the lives of their fellow countrymen, for their gods, for their culture and for the sake of Rome itself.

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