Chapter 2.1 | Seeing you

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The night sky covered your city with an overwhelming calmness. In every house was a silence where dreams could roam around in. Dreams over future plans or desperate dreams who were determined to stay that way.

But there were two houses who were an exception to this all. Yours and Taehyung's. No dreams were found at those places. And there was a logical explanation for that. You both could not sleep. At all.

It was past twelve and nothing could bring your mind at ease. Every time you tried to sleep, pictures of Taehyung's adorable box smile, his large hands and his oh so handsome face kept coming in your mind. At that moment you were certain: you were head over heels in love with him.

The same case happened with Taehyung. Thinking about you is what kept him awake. He recalled all the moments he had with you and a smile was visible on his face. Maybe he didn't even want to sleep because when he was awake he would be certain to have your figure right in front of his eyes.

And believe it or not but you both stayed awake the whole night. Not even tired when the sun began shining over the horizon, shining its rays into your rooms.

Finally realizing that it was eight in the morning you get up from your bed. The sheets seemed like there had been a wrestling match on it, but actually, it was only you squealing and rolling around every time you thought of Taehyung's face.

With the best you had you tried to fix them. Nevertheless, it still looked like a bird's nest but you didn't really care either, so you let your sheets for what it was.

While you were skipping towards your dining table with your bowl of cereal in your hands you thought of ways to start a conversation. You had his phone number but you couldn't find a proper way to begin a conversation without making it awkward by the start.



"How'd doin' it's Y/N!"


"Hai boy!"

Oh my god no!

"Hey, this is Y/N the awkward girl you met yesterday."

No, no, that's too much!"

You ruffled your hair in despair. How on earth are you going to manage this? And if you finally find the perfect sentence, what will you do when he replies? Your head was full of possible ways to have a decent conversation but nothing pleased you.

But little did you know that on the other side of the city there was a boy nervously waiting for a text on his phone. Walking around in circles in the middle of his bedroom he thought of possibilities why you weren't texting him.

Pfffft. When will she text me? Maybe she doesn't like me! Or she lost my number? Maybe she doesn't even know I put my phone number between the book! Or maybe she got kidnapped and can't text me! Or some thief stole her phone! Maybe she is enslaved and is she now working till her death? Or she got into an accident and she's in a hospital! Should I call a few hospitals? No, no! That's a little creepy. Pfffft.

All kinds of situations played in Taehyung's head as he was eagerly waiting for you to text him. After making thousands of circles he decided to eat breakfast. With his phone in hand, he made his way towards the kitchen of his small apartment. His eyes were glued on his screen while he was taken the bread out of the cupboard. With his eyes still on his phone, he opened the refrigerator and took the jam. He placed his breakfast on the little table by his kitchen and started eating. His phone was displayed in front of him. And even after he was done his eyes never left the still black screen.

You, on the other hand, had placed your phone far away out of sight while walking a random trajectory in your living room. You were still thinking about how you should handle this situation and most importantly your heart. A little frustrated you decided to go for a walk to clear your head. Grabbing your coat and keys you walk out with your dog. Leaving your phone behind.

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