Chapter 2.4 | Seeing you

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You were pulled back from your trance and had heard just enough of what he said. Your pouty face made way for an apologetic one. You were so deep in your thoughts that you completely forgot that Taehyung was looking at you.  He must think it's because of him.

"No! No! I liked the way you were talking about little things and being passionate about them. I'm more the type to listen than the one to talk."

His face cleared up and his characteristic smile made its way upon his face. Your heart started to beat fast. You didn't know how for long you could handle his adorable smile.

"C' mon, let's sit there!"

Suddenly Taehyung pulled you towards a bench on the side of the gravel path. Sitting next to each other but still with a decent distance between you, silence takes over. The sound of the leaves that were gently going back and forth through the wind had a calming feeling. A peaceful vibe was in the air.  Then you noticed that Taehyung was coming closer and was now slightly touching your side with his. His heartbeat increased incredibly due to this action and he was so nervous. What if you backed away? But you didn't.

Even though you almost died, you really liked the way his side was against yours. You could feel his heat radiating to your body. The smell of his cologne surrounding your body, so you could inhale it. It was so good! Now you'd prefer to just snuggle up in his embrace and keep on feeling his heath that would warm your body. You would hear his heartbeat. And it would calm you and put you to rest.

"Ow look, honey. Isn't that sweet? Look at those two being in love! Just like when we were young."

An old lady with her husband passed by and commented on the sight you two sitting close beside one another. The old lady laughed a little and continued her walk with her husband by her side.

Meanwhile, embarrassment had laid his arms around the two of you and awkwardness had never reached his peak more than at that point.

"Euhm, well, that was a lovely lady."

Taehyung's voice decided to break the silence and the awkwardness decreased a little. Only a little. But you had to agree with Taehyung. They looked so happy together.

"Yeah, it's lovely to see her still together with her husband after so many years."

A sigh left your longs as you were wondering if you will be that happy for that long. Still madly in love with the one you're married with. Would it ever happen to you? But then you thought of Taehyung. You two together on the porch, a cup of coffee or tea next to you both. Hands holding each other and you would look at the garden that Taehyung would have reorganized earlier that year. The grandchildren would have visited in the afternoon and the peace would have returned. That thought made you smile. It could be possible. But first you'd have to confess your feelings and that was easier said than done.

"Do you also want to live a long and happy life with your husband?"

Taehyung's words brought you back from your thoughts of your maybe possible future. It took you a while before you had progressed all that he had said.

"Um, yes. Isn't that every girl's dream?"

Well, you hoped it was every girl's dream to live long and happy with there husband. You didn't really talk about it with your friends. Which you kind of regret now. You were gazing in front of you not really knowing where to look at.

"Then how do you imagine your husband?"

His voice became deeper with every word. You heard it. It meant something but what? Is he implying something? Is he trying to get somewhere? Maybe. But you didn't know that. Yet.

"Euhm, I don't know..."

When you grew up your answers would always variate. First, there was the kid next door who was always so friendly to you, then in middle school, the cool kid but later on it was more someone big, broad and muscular. With brown hair and green eyes. In short, the typical ideal man for every woman nowadays. But that all changed when you met him. You realized you didn't need a big, broad and muscular someone. Well, the big part was something Taehyung didn't need to worry about. But looks aren't really necessary when you really love someone. You knew that at one point in your life your vision of the ideal man would change, but you didn't know it would be this soon.

You slowly started to look at him. Once looking at him directly your heart began to beat swiftly. He was already staring at you and you were once again reminded of his scenic eyes. The look he had, was a mixture of confident and desire.

"Well, maybe I can change that."

He came closer and you could feel the butterflies again just like yesterday. They started to dance wildly in your stomach eagerly waiting to come out. Would this be the moment? The moment that you get your first kiss? Here on a bench in a park not even twelve o'clock in the afternoon? You saw Taehyung's eyes being closed and felt his breath starting to tickle your skin. At that moment you forgot everything around you and only one word left your mouth.



Well, I hoped you liked the 3192 words I wrote.
(That's a new record!)
Again the picture was my inspiration.

Love you all💜


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