Chapter 1.3 | Meeting you

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You arrived and Taehyung immediately started to show the best books in the department. Of course, he had already read them so he could tell in detail what it was about. You laughed at the sight of Taehyung imitating one of his favorite characters and telling about his favorite book: Until Midnight. It took you a little by surprise that you actually were kind of interested in this genre.

To not completely drown you in the fictional department, he also showed you books with romance in who were still considered fiction. He did that to please you. And it worked.

You were looking in a book to see if it was worth buying. It was one Taehyung had put on the stack of books you had to try out. You smiled at Taehyung being very passionate about the books he recommended to you.

You were reading several pages until you got pulled back out of your trance by a deep voice right next to your ear.

"I love that book. It's my second favorite."

You were startled by his sudden voice and jumped a little. But because you're clumsy, like always, you almost fell. If it wasn't for Taehyung, you would be on the floor. He held you firmly in his arms. You two were facing each other, looking deep into each other's eyes and both melting away by each other's touch. Again you didn't want this moment the end and you were sort of lucky because this moment was already longer than the one before. And kind of hotter?

His eyes were mesmerizing. Hazel brown with a hint of dark brown. It was like you were looking at a painting. Beautiful light brown brushstrokes were visible and the dark brown dots were spread over his iris.

You were in a total daze that you didn't realize Taehyung getting closer to your face.

You weren't the only one who was looking at someone's eyes. Taehyung was just as enchanted by your eyes than you were by his. Your eye color was like a clear sky. Day or night, your eye color was the brightest he had ever seen.

Then his eyes moved towards your lips. As your eyes weren't enough beauty, your lips were even more mesmerizing. Your plump lips who had a beautiful pink color on them. So kissable. And without noticing he moved his head closer.

You slowly got out of your daze and started to notice Taehyung getting closer. Your mind was busy thinking about what to do but your heart already knew the answer.

Only a few inches and you would have your first kiss, but God decided that it wouldn't happen today.

Males voices were heard and you two fully awoke out of your daze. An even heavier blanket of awkwardness fell upon you and kept you warm. Avoiding each other's gazes, you parted with a dark crimson color like blush.

Then the little group of boys came by and didn't even pay any attention to the two awkward human beings.

"Euhm...if you w-want, I can bring t-that book t-to the ch-checkout?"

His phrase ended in a question mark as he was asking himself why he was stuttering so much.

You looked at the book you were holding and because you felt too embarrassed you quickly said yes.

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