Chapter 2.3 | Seeing you

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After at least a couple of minutes, Taehyung broke the hug. Stepping a little away he held your shoulders. His eyes were looking at you intensely.

"I missed you so much!"

Surprised of his little confession, you blushed hard. Taehyung as well was surprised that he said that out loud. He sounded so confident. More confident than he could ever imagine. Was it because of you? There was sure something in your eyes that had a special effect on Taehyung.

"I'm sorry."

He laughed sheepishly and let go of your shoulders. His hand reached the back of his head, but it didn't have a purpose for the movement. His eyes looked down at the leash he had dropped. Embarrassed but still relieved he had said that he smiled to himself.

"I missed you too."

You didn't know you had it in you but when you said it out loud you knew it was true. His warm embrace, his loving eyes, and his presence, in general, were what you missed so much till this moment.

Taehyung's head shot up and his smile gave away that he was overjoyed with your answer. He even giggled a little. Seeing his cute behavior made you melt inside. Earning a little laugh as well.

Taehyung didn't want to waste any moment. He grabbed the leash and took your wrist, gently, and walked away from his car. Not too quickly he moved easily over the parking lot.

"Wh-where are we going?"

He didn't answer but since you were close to the entrance you figured out he must be taken you to the park for a walk. And that was exactly what he did. When you entered, he turned around and looked at you with a huge smile plastered on his lips.

"We're going on a date."

At that moment you almost saw the light and that only because of the huge speed your heart was beating. A date? Now you definitely looked like a tomato. The courage you had a while ago was gone, clearly, and shyness was the only thing your body knew.

"Uhm, a date?"

Even though you had heard him very clearly, you questioned your ears.

"Yes, a date."

The very adorable box smile had never left his lips since the moment he announced you're going on a date with him. He shifted the leash into his right hand and grabbed yours in his left. His gentle touch was mesmerizing. It reminded you of the first time you shook hands. Your hand was still so small in comparison with his. While looking at him you began to walk.

"What's its name?"

Still a little enchanted by Taehyung's face being so perfectly sculpted, you answer a little late.

"Her name is Li."

You shifted your gaze towards your dog who was walking in front of you. Her tail was high in the air and you could see she was happy. She seemed to really like Taehyung. In a way that was a big relief. Li has always been protective of you and could be aggressive sometimes to people she didn't trust. But you guessed that she knew that Taehyung was no danger to you. And maybe it was because of Taehyung's loveable personality or the fact that Li could sense some kind of feeling between you two, that made her like him so much.

Taehyung also looked at the female dog. He loved dogs. They're playful and always so energetic. Just like himself. His cute personality would always be visible and he would lose himself while playing with them.

It's been a while since you started walking on the grind paths in the park. Taehyung's hand still held yours while having a small talk. But instead of fully listening to him you were absorbed in your own thoughts. You really wanted to tell him how you felt.

I really want to tell him, but I only met him yesterday and maybe he'll think it's weird that I confess this early. Then he certainly will think I'm desperate. But he did try to kiss me...

A pout was visible on your face as you were thinking about those thoughts. But it was not unnoticed for Taehyung. He saw your slightly pouted face and felt guilty right away. He had been rambling ever you started walking.

"I'm sorry I was talking way too much, right? I tent to do that, I'm sorry."

His eyes were filled with sadness and he lowered his head. He felt really sorry. Every time he gets nervous he tent to talk a lot, about ridiculous things, about things no one is interested in, about things you shouldn't be talking about when you're walking in a park with the girl you are in love with. Really in love with.

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