- Red and Blue -

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It has been a week since Allura pulled Shiro off to the side to talk to him.

It's been a week since the red paladin over heard the two talking.

It's been a week since the black paladin would start to try to butt into any conversation the blue paladin was in.

It's been a week since Shiro threatened the red paladin.

Keith hadn't been distant but he didn't talk at all.

Lance finally got sick of he red paladins attitude. He slammed his hands on the table and dragged Keith it of the room.

Once out of ear shot, Lance crossed his arms and sighed. "Wanna talk while we wander the halls?" He asked softly.

"Please," The Red Paladin said and walked with Lance down the halls.

"What's on your mind Keith?" Lance asked.

"Last week I overheard Allura and Shiro talking. . ." Keith said taking a breath. 'I'm can do this, I can confess I know I can.'

"Is that why you've been so scared to be around Shiro?" Lance asked.

"Part of it. Allura said hat Shiro would be a better mate for you. . ." Keith said and sighed again.

"Compared to you?? Neither of you could fully protect me at all times or in every situation, Keith. But that's why I never planned on confessing. You two would have been at each other's throats by the time I was happy with both of you as my mates. I know who I would rather have as my mate if I had to choose one, Keith." Lance said and placed his hand on Keith's shoulder.

"And that IF you have to choose?" Keith asked.

"If I have to choose, it will always be you." Lance reassured placing a hand on his teammates shoulder.

"Lance!" Shiros voice called down the hall.

"Shiro." Lance replied and crossed his arms just as the Black Paladin came around the corner.

"Lance!" Shiro repeated with a small and nervous smile.

"How can I hate either of you?!" Lance said making both jump before they were pulled into a hug by the blue paladin.

"Uhm. . ." Shiro replies while hugging the other back.

"Oh, and you owe Hunk and Pidge twenty each! Also," Lance then pulled back towards him and kissed them on the cheek.

Keith scrambled out of his state of bliss and ran back to the blue paladin. He had intertwined their fingers.

- with Allura and Shiro -

Shiro slumped on the princess bed as she paced back and forth.

"I'm sure Lance would prefer you as a mate." She said looking at Shiro then the floor.

"You can't you with his opinions. If he would rather Keith over me than so be it." Shiro said shrugging.

"Keith is dangerous, he could hurt Lance!" Allura said in protest.

"Keith has hurt Lance before, psychically mentally and emotionally, but every time it fixed it self and they seemed fine afterwards. They have have a friend rivalry type relationship since the first day they meet." Shiro said and sighed.

Allura sighed. How was she going to convince Shiro to try and win over Lance?

"I understand why you think I'm a better choice, but I'm not changing Lances mind. He will pick who he wants if it comes to that." Shiro said and covered Allura's mouth with a ginger over his lips. "That's the end, Allura."

Allura sighed after Shiro left. She considered everything that Shiro has said about Lances choice. Then it hit her, he said "if it comes to that" witch meant Lance wasn't choosing, he was taking them both as his mate!

- one month later -

Scratch what Shiro has said about choosing, Allura had to force Lance to choose Shiro.

"Lance please!! Your entire species fate rests in the palm of your hand, you need to have Shiro as your mate and get rid of Keith!" Allura said gripping his shoulders.

Lance pushes her away from him. "I have already made my decision on my mate, Allura! You can't choose my mate or what I do! I could let myself be killed just for the sake of it!!" Lance snapped at her.

"You can't do that, and yes I can tell you who to choose! Keith is dangerous!" Allura shouted before she was tackled to the ground by a sudden force.

"Allura, Lance has a mind of his own and doesn't need someone who has already tried to control him to make his choices for him."

"Plus, he's only sixteen! Your over ten THOUSAND ears old! Why listen to someone who's hundreds of years older than you?"

"Are all Alteans like this? Coran?"

"No not all Alteans, Hunk."

"You should leave our mate alone, Princess." The new voice whispered in her ear before it slowly lifted itself off of her.

"Lance? Lance!" All attention was turned to the boy who was now struggling to stand up right and was hyperventilating.

"His sister was killed by a wolf shifter!" Keith said before he raced to the blue paladin despite being the reason of his sudden panic attack.

Lance calmed down eventually and looked at Keith first. He gave a weak smile before he suddenly melted into Keith's arms.

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