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Lance and Hunk had decied to room up after Pidge had ditched them for the second time that week. Hunk was wearing a yellow and orange lion onese so kindly made by Allura. Lance was wearing a blue lion onese.

Pidge had just asked for a fluffy sweater to wear. Shiro and Keith. . . who knows what those two did.

Lance was playing on a makeshift phone Pidge had made for them to use. Hunk was finishing up a Vlog.

"This is the yellow paladin, signing off." Hunk then turned off the camera and took Lance's space phone.

"HEY!" Lance shouted not realising Hunk had finished the vlog.

"Time for bed, Lance. And, i thought i told you to put this up a minute ago?" Hunk said crossing his arms with the phone in hand.

"You did, mom." Lance joked before sliding to the wall. Lance had started to sleep next to the wall, not because it was better, but because he would fall off the bed when sleeping on the edge.

"Night Lance." Hunk said noticing Lance already half asleep.

"You too, Hunk." Lance said before sleep engulfed him.


"Pidge and Hunk, you two will have to go on that Misson. Coran, you will go to the northern planet. Keith, Lance, and Shiro, you three stay here and contact us imediatly if anything happens." Allura said going over the plan again.

Lance shot a begging look to Hunk and Pidge who gave him a sympethic look.

"Lets go, Princess." Shiro said nuddging her towards the Black lions hangers.

"Hey, Lance?" Keith asked from where he was sitting in his seat.

"Keith?" Lance sighed.

"Everyone's gone for a few days, Shiro will be coming back soon and we have no clue how to turn the heater back on so how about--"

"No, Keith."

"But Lance!--"




"Your such a bitch, Lance."

"I love you to, Keith."

Lance quickly walked out of the room. Keith still sat in his chair, dissapointed and upset.

(Sorry, this chapter was REALLY short, the next will be longer, or at least I hope so!)

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