-Keep it down next time-

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It was boring. Not in the sense of, "Nothing to do," boring but, spying on a stupid Galra ship boring.

The two kids, Ginger and Marin, had contacted him often after they had found that many other kids, older and younger, had lost most, if not all their families too. It was only a matter of time before the young shifters had started a new group that served as a large family group.

"Bored." Hunk said leaning on the still weak shifter.

"Same." Lance huffed as he laid back and gave Hunk a pleading look.

"Lay down." Hunk said placing his hands on his chest while Lance laid his head on his stomach.

"Let me join, please." Pidge said as she walked into the control room with a bag.

"What's in the bag?" Hunk asked.

"Our armor." Pidge replied throwing the bag to the side.

"Can we all camp out in Hunks room tonight? Allura and Shiro decided to turn off the heating things tonight and I don't want to sleep in the same room with Shiro since he and Keith are still at each others throats. Damn, how'd I get myself into this?" Lance sighed and chuckled.

Pidge threw a blanket over Hhnks legs, a yellow one to be exact, and a royal blue and indigo blanket over Lance. "I like that idea. Hunk?" Pidge replies first as she hands a small bag of food to Lance, most of it being sweets.

"I don't mind as long as Pidge is not in the middle of us three." Hunk said and Pidge huffed.

"I'll sleep in the middle of us. More cuddles." The three burst out laughing at Lance's last reply. Even if they knew that was what was going to happen.

— Back at the Garrison  —
-- One year before current time --

Hunk shoved his and Lances mattress together and watched as Lance ties them up with a few ropes so they wouldn't move.

"Popcorn, check. Movies, not gonna happen. Candy, check. Pillows, check. Blankets, check. Flashlights, check. Now we just gotta wait for Keith." Pidge said clasping her hands together.

"How did I get talked into this?" The three students laughed and looked at their teacher.

"Because you missed having sleepovers, we almost convinced you to let us watch Twilight." Lance jumped in before Shiro could ask another question. Keith quickly slipped into the room panting.

"I really regret not lying to them now." Keith said coughing.

"You ran?" Pidge asked snickering.

"Yeah, I thought I held still to long so I high-tailed it outa there." Keith said laughing softly.

"So, who's sleeping where?" Shiro asked.

"Me, Lance, and Hunk are sleeping here. You sleep there, and Keith sleeps there." Pidge answered as she plopped down onto the mattress. "I call middle!" Pidge said grinning and glaring at a now pouting Lance.

Shiro has excused all four from class that next day so they could clean up the mess they had made. Keith was disappointed. Hunk and Pidge didn't mind but would rather learn than clean. Lance fell asleep since he had won a small bet against Pidge, witch she explained.

In the end, it proved they all had a close bond. Even when the "pastel universe", as Pidge loved to call Lance, kept offering to help only to fall asleep carelessly.

— Present Time —

Lance sighed and got up. He needed to find Shiro and Keith.

He wrapped the blanket around himself. "I'm sick of that Galra ship. I'll meet you guys by Hunks room at nine!" Lance called.

Lance checked the training room first. No one.

The dinning room. Allura and the space mice.

The lounge. Coran.

Lance walked over to his room first and knocked. Nothing. He tried Shiro's room then Keith's. He didn't even have to knock to know they were in there.

Lance covered his mouth to hide his own giggles before he softly padded away. He couldn't stop laughing at what he heard. Shiro and Keith had always been good friends until the whole, "Mate" situation started. Maybe this would change that.

Lance burst into laughter when he got to the bridge and fell to the ground. He slammed his fists on the floor laughing.

"Lance?!" Pidge said shaking her friend.

"Oh my god!! I'm never letting them off for that!!" Lance cried as he leaned into Hunk.

Hunk and Pidge just laughed before grabbing him and helping him to the kitchen. They sat and waited until everyone was in the room before Lance broke out into laughter again.

"Lance, CONE ON! TWICE IN A DAY?!" Hunk shouted startling everyone else.

"I-I-I'm Sorry! Kei, And Shiro—" Lance couldn't not laugh at the memory. He didn't even feel hurt by the fact the two had decided to, "have fun," without him since he would have stopped them from even kissing him.

"It's he okay?" It was almost unnoticeable in his voice br Keith's voice was raw.

"I don't think so. . ." Pidge and Hunk said trailing off.

Lance took a few deep breaths and chugged his water. Keith yelled as Lance reached over and stole his water. "Hey!" Keith barked at him.

Lance slid Keith's half empty glass back to him.

"Try to be quieter if you choose to F-U-C-K. Thanks." Lance said before bursting out in laughter at Keith and Shiros faces.

"IN MY DEFENSE IT WAS ONLY A BLOWJOB!!" Keith shouted as his face grew redder. Shiro had sunk to the floor.

"Your gonna regret that, Lance." Shiro groaned.

Everyone else was laughing at the two, obviously flustered, boys.

(I ACTUALLY CHECKED FOR SPELLING ERRORS!!!!! Also, this is to say sorry for not posting as often as I used to.)

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