The Immune

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"Let's begin." Rat Man said and started off with the list. "Those not immune to The Flare. Newt..." He started. I whipped my head to look straight at Newt who folded his arms. Everything else was irrelevant around me. I was focused on him as he was listening to the list. I knew now his new attitude was a part of The Flare. Like it was in me. I felt Thomas stand and look to Newt over my shoulder. The sounds and speech came back to me as Rat Man finished. I never heard Teresa's name spoken. She is immune. I looked to her as if I wanted to murder her for committing a terrible crime. Rat Man went on about the machines ignoring Minho's question about if they'd never get a cure. He was explaining about the machines but I didn't care. I rolled my eyes and elbowed Thomas. He looked at me. I motioned blabbing on with my hand opening and closing my fingers and thumb. He smiled briefly then looked across at Minho who was behind Teresa. Rat Man told us he was going to check if the other doctors in other rooms were ready. I watched him leave then as soon as the door closed everyone was talking all at once. "I'm not doing it. No way in hell." I said.

Thomas was looking at Minho and Teresa as they were approaching us. I was amazed at how gutsy she was to be coming towards Newt, Thomas and I while in front of Minho. I looked to Newt who was staring over Thomas's shoulder with his arms still folded. Looking back to Teresa with a look that could kill, she began to speak. "We should do it." She said. I rolled my eyes. There's no surprise. "It's the right thing to do. We can have our memories back and be smarter. Decide what to do next." She said. I looked to her again. My arms were now folded as if holding myself back from caving her face in but still angry at her. "I know you're in love with WICKED." Thomas said, causing a half grin upon my face. "I'm not sure what you're up to but I'm not buying it." He said. I lowered my head with the grin, looking at her from the top corner of my eye. The boys were on my side. MY side. I had won over this stupid teenager. I've proven them to believe that WICKED is not good. And will be destroyed. "What about Aris?" Thomas asked. "I'll go ask him." She said and began to walk to Aris.

"I HATE that chick." Minho said. I lifted my head and looked to Thomas. "She's not all that bad." Frypan said. I shot my look to him and reached to hit him with an open hand but Newt knocked my hand down. "We don't turn on each other." Newt said. Thomas looked back at the three of us. "What's your deal anyways?" Frypan asked me. "She wants her dead." Thomas informed him. "She belongs to WICKED. She is not good at all. She will die." I said. I felt Minho tap my arm and I looked to him. He gave me an upward nod and put a fist out. I fist bumped him and Thomas faced foward. "She's coming." He said. We all looked to her as she walked over. "He's more sure of it than any of us. They're all for it." She said. "Well that settles it for me. If Aris and Teresa are doing it, I'm not." Minho said. I lifted my head proudly and looked down at her. "I'm not either." Newt said. "Nope." Thomas agreed. They all were disagreeing. She looked to Thomas with hope in her eyes. I began to lower my head and arch my shoulders. She inhaled. "Suit yourselves." She said and walked away. "Aw man, we can't let them put those things on their faces can we?" Frypan said. "It's their choice. And I've heard enough bloody arguments." Newt said and grabbed Frypan and Thomas's arms leading them away. I settled my shoulders down and Minho gently turned me around to walk with the boys to the area they were.

"We'll stick around, play along and act nice." Thomas whispered among the group. "But as soon as we get a chance, we're going to fight our way out of this place." He added. I put my hand out within the group as if putting my hand up for permission to speak. "Yes?" Thomas asked. The boys all looked to me. "I vote being wrecking ball with Newt." I whispered. Thomas bounced a closed fist on his palm. That was his thinking for a moment habit. "Think that's a good idea?" He whispered. His tone was of concern. Newt rested his arm on my shoulder. "Absolutely." He said with a smile. "Alright." Thomas said. We turned around to see Rat Man had returned into the room. He lead a team of doctors. Dressed in green with WICKED written across their suits. They took their places at each bed and started turning knobs and testing the tubes on the masks. "I will call out each name for each bed." Rat Man said. He began to list off some names. None of them ours. "The rest, follow me." He said and walked out. I looked at the boys and Teresa and we followed him.

He was leading us down a hallway and was mentioning more names. Again, none of us. The others mentioned went in the room. Rat Man walked ahead with us following. He stopped by another room and read other names. Frypan, Newt and I were mentioned. "I'm not doing it." Newt piped up and folded his arms again. "You said we could choose. That's my bloody decision." He said and exchanged a look with Thomas as if he was ready to do some damage. Then back to Rat Man. "That's fine." Rat Man answered so willingly. "I'm not getting into that shucking thing no matter what you do shank." I growled as I folded my arms too. "There was better ways to say no, Amelia. But I know your Flare side can make you say things you don't exactly mean." He said. I looked down to see Minho had a fist out to me. I bopped the top of his fist with mine then he did the same back. The Rebellion. That's what we are. "I....I'm gonna let them do it." Frypan said. We all looked to him in shock. "Are you crazy?!" Minho said. "I wanna remember! We were told to make our own decisions. Let me make mine." Frypan said and hurried into the room as if to avoid any more confrontation. I looked to Newt and he shook his head and heaved a sigh. "Let's move on." Rat Man said. We followed along playing nice. As Thomas commanded.

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