The Runaway

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"What kind of trouble?" Thomas asked. "I know you know well aware of him having The Flare. And that you have already seen some of the effects taking place." Rat Man said. Him getting angry at Minho, grabbing me with force and crinkling his nose. That wasn't Newt at all. I held my arm across my stomach and hand under my neck. "Yeah." Thomas said. "Well, he seems to be succumbing to it rapidly." Rat Man said. I knew I should've ran back to him. "The fact that you were already seeing symptoms of anger and loos of concentration before you left means he'll be spiralling into madness very soon." Janson informed. My hand covered my mouth. "You could very well save him." Janson said quietly. My eyes riverted back to Thomas from staring towards his feet. "You enjoying this?" He asked and gave Janson a sour look. "Because sometimes it seems like you enjoy it a lot." He added. "I'm just doing my job, Thomas. I want this cure more than anyone else. Except for you, maybe, before we took your memories." Janson said. "Just go." Thomas said. "I hope you'll come." Janson replied. "You have a chance to do great things. I'm sorry for our differences. But Thomas, you need to hurry. Time is running out." Janson said. "I'll think about it." Thomas said again.

"That's all I can ask for. I hope to see you here." Janson said. The screen closed and the machine lifted and left off. I ran to Thomas and gripped his shirt and he held my arms. "We gotta get back to Newt!" I said. "I know." He said to me.

I let go of him and he let go of me. "There they are!" We heard and looked to see Jorge, Brenda and Minho running to us. "We don't have time! Back to the Berg!" I shouted at them. Thomas grabbed me and kept me with the group. "No more seperating." He said. "Did you do this?" Minho asked. "Cop machine in the sky did. It was Janson. He told us about Newt succumbing to The Flare rapidly. We have to go check on him." Thomas said. "They don't let people in and out of the city at night. It's hard enough to keep it under control during the day." Brenda said. I looked up the same time as Thomas and saw the orange hue of sunset in the sky. "Yeah. And something isn't right about this place hermano." Jorge said. "The people have vanished within the last half hour. And the people I seen don't look right." He said. "The scene at the coffee shop did send people scattering." Brenda said. Jorge shrugged. "I dunno. This city's just giving me the creeps hermana. Like it's alive and waiting to unleash something really nasty." He said. "It's just another trial. They know we're here. Janson contacted us. That means WICKED knows, we are here. And they want us out. But all I'm concerned about right now is NEWT you two incompetent freakshows only thinking of yourselves! Now I don't care if you wanna run and hide somewhere but I'm breaking out of this joint and saving him." I said, snapping them back to our real situation. Minho kept looking like he had lost his puppy. I placed my hand at his neck. "I'm doing whatever it takes." I said. Sliding my hand off his neck, he still didn't budge. But I knew he was complying. "Let's go!" I said and took off in a run. I heard their swift footsteps behind me.

Running back I grabbed one of the posters of Chancellor Paige off the wall and folded it down as I ran with it in my hands. I was sure Thomas and Minho wondered my use for that was. As the Sun was setting there was the hum of a cop machine sometimes overhead, loud speech, a scream in the distance, an odd laugh. The city became more spooky at night. "Wait!" Brenda shouted. I realised they had stopped. I slapped my feet a few times stooping then hurried back to them. "We'll have to wait until tomorrow." Brenda said. "There's gotta be a way to get back out there." Minho said, not giving up on his best friend. Jorge squeezed his shoulder. "It's useless, hermano. The airport's at least ten miles from here. And by the looks of this town we'll either get mugged, shot or beaten to death by morning." He said. "Brenda's right. Better to rest up and go help him tomorrow." He added. I could see Minho wanting to be his defiant self but he let out a sad sigh and agreed. "Are we close to our motel?" Thomas asked. I held my hands out and shook my head. Thomas saw the motion I gave. "Just a few blocks." Jorge said and pointed to the left. Thomas was still looking at me. "We're out of our element here." Thomas said. "I speared through giant slugs with mechanical legs, faced time in a cube and had to stare at Rat Man, plus I put up with Cranks, scorching hot weather, lightning and light bulbed aliens just like any of you. And you say a City is tougher? Cry to someone who cares. I'm going to Newt." I said harshly. I felt bad for getting angry at Thomas and Minho. Minho hung his head knowing this verbal defeat.

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