The Third Trial

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I tried to get sight of anything and heard the woman running. I went running after her then heard crackling behind me. I tirned around to see flashes of light and the guys still by the door. I want walking back to them. "Shuck her anyways. I didn't give a klunk." I said and huffed. I shook my head in the disbelief. "Let's still open the door and fire away." Thomas said. We readied ourselves and he swiped the key card he stole. The door began to open and we were firing away. Thomas hollered to stop wasting ammunition and we did. The room was bare. And a soft red glow illuminated across the floor. Only giving a slight look of the room. We walked through and Brenda lead us to the ammunitions room. The door opened and weapons were lying on the shelves. Except for one side. Newt noticed and said the weapons were gone. Minho asked about it. "Why don't you figure something out for yourself for once a bloody shank!" Newt snapped. I tilted my head while looking at Newt. "I'm sorry! How about next time when you figure something smart out I'll give you a pat on your back!" Minho snapped back at him. Newt looked hurt. "I'm sorry." He said quietly. I straightened my head and Newt walked out past us. I slapped Minho up the back of his head and he turned around. He went to hit me but I swatted his hand down and we both started swatting at each other. "Hey, hey! Stop it!" Thomas shouted at us.

We stopped and I huffed at Minho. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. Thomas walked over. "Stock up on weapons. Don't kill them. We're on your side." Thomas told Minho and me. I looked down, feeling that I dissapointed him. Thomas left to talk to Newt. I watched Brenda and Minho then walked to a shelf and pocketed more ammo and walked out of the room. "Millie! Come with me." Newt said. I walked past Thomas. "Be careful." He said. I did hear his words and took heed. I hope he knew. I was following Newt down the long dark hallway. I wondered where he was leading me. Was he going to kill me? Thr Flare was already starting to make him not act himself. Was this the first act? Lure one away and then more slim it out? No. Newt was still Newt somewhere in there. He opened a door and walked into a room. I followed him then he slammed the door shut behind me. I jerked from the sudden motion and saw he squashed a camera bug. "Bloody buggers they are." He said. He walked to a desk and took a paper and a pen. He started writing. "What are you writing?" I asked him. "You'll find out when the time is right." He said. He folded it nicely and put it into a small folder and closed it then walked around to me. "I love you." He said. The words struck me right in the heart.

It was powerful. And at a time like this? "I knew you were perfect the day I met you." He said. Newt was still with us. I could trust him. He pressed his lips against mine hard and gripped my thighs. Lifting me and sitting me up on the desk gave me a thrill. I tugged at his shirt as he pulled the back of mine like he always does. The collar of my shirt was to my neck but wasn't strangling me. He gave me a slight tug and I stopped kissing him. He breathed and looked to me. "I want you to be with Thomas." He told me. After that, he told me this?! I was suddenly appalled. "Newt!" I said. He let go of my shirt. "I want you happy. Not..." He didn't finish as he backed away from me. He opened the door for me to walk out first. I hopped off the desk. "I get it. But your shuck-face is getting a cure when there is one Newt and then you're taking those words back." I said as I pointed at him. He gave me a nod as if he agreed to the terms of commitment. I walked out and he followed. We went down the hallway again and back to everyone. "I need to give something to Thomas." Newt said. "Just Thomas." He said angrily. Thomas walked out and as they were speaking I got another weapon, a smaller one and tucked it in the back of my pants then looked to them. They seemed a bit distraught then Thomas joined the group in the room.

We got more weapons and an ammunition box. Newt started to carry it and I offered to help but he said no. I hurried on with the launcher following Minho. We stopped as he halted then put his finger to his ear. I listened and heard a groan. My head instsntly began to lower and I gripped the launcher. I walked foward with them as they moved ahead. We slipped into the room immediately and saw guards on the floor tied up and gagged. A few were groaning and trying to get free. Brenda was going to grab one but Thomas commanded her not to. "It could be a bloody trap." Newt said. I lifted my head and turned to look at the boys and Brenda. "Oh ha ha WICKED. Very well thought out you shuck shanks you're gonna die by my hands and these two boys's. Your whole corporation is going down! Do you hear me?!" I shouted as I looked up and tilted my head. They looked up to see a lizard with a flashing red light. "I'll kill you." I snarled as I lurched my head towards it then grabbed the rope on the floor and walked out. The boys walked out and I began to quickly loop the rope through the door handles.

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