Bienvenue a Paris

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Thanks to all the lovely readers and everyone who comments.

I just used Google Translate for the French sorry if there are mistakes!


"That's a remarkable way of thinking about it, poetic. Stardust, I like it", he shifted on the bench and I felt his arm lean against mine. I relaxed; we were going to be ok. Murderous impulses aside. Maybe I could one day call him a friend.



Harry (and Ron) third person POV

The two young men sat quietly off to the side both with fervent anticipation of what was to come. They were concerned about their best friend's welfare. What was happening to her right now? Was she being tormented by Voldemort? Was she dead? It stricken them both that if she was indeed dead, then she would have died alone and afraid.

"Do you think she is ok?", the red headed boy bumped shoulders with his green eyed bespectacled best friend, looking for comforting reassurance that Hermione will be fine. Even if he ultimately knows that it will be steeped in hollow denial.

"I don't know Ron. I don't know", there was nothing else that Harry could say to reassure his friend. He knew what Voldemort was like, so he only hoped that she wasn't tortured. That it was a quick death and that was cold comfort. But there was still something nagging, a thread of a thought snagging on his awareness. In the forest he can't, couldn't understand. What was up with Voldemort's behaviour? His fleeting fascination with Hermione and then protecting her from Dumbledore when he suddenly appeared. It was rather confusing. Although a rebellious thought bubbled to the surface, thinking that Voldemort might have been suspiciously correct about Dumbledore. He noted the bitterness which surrounded the thought. The old Headmaster has been acting strange since his reappearance, he doesn't seem the same as before he died. How did he survive the Gaunt ring, when we all saw his withered black necrotic hand? What the hell has he been doing for the last year? Yes, he gave us some long-winded story about constructing this prison, which sounded...well he wasn't completely on board with it. It sounded like something Voldemort would do. Not the warriors of good and justice. Harry wouldn't say this out loud, but it bothered him greatly. Was it even possible to remove them from that 'prison'?

"We'll get her back yeah? Hermione is as smart as that snake-faced ass hat, she's resilient and resourceful. I'm...I'm sure she'll be fine", now it was Ron's turn to attempt to lift Harry's spirits, even as he sounded resigned and despondent. Harry appreciated the effort.

Harry remained focused on the movements of Dumbledore as he, flicked pages, stacked books and rearranged his desk. It was a lot of doing something without actually accomplishing anything. He flicked his eyes over the rest of the room. The adults were huddled together, discussing something and the twins and Ginny were whispering. No doubt up to know good, but he couldn't summon the feeling to care about what they were planning in this moment. No, he would continue to watch Dumbledore with a scrutiny that Hermione would have been proud of. He would get to the bottom of this, he just didn't know if he would like what the bottom was. He didn't want Hermione to be the human sacrifice to take down the Dark Lord. Why couldn't Dumbledore take him out like Grindelwald? Why did it have to be him? Because of some stupid prophecy? He didn't really believe in prophecies but followed what this 'great' wizard said to the letter because he thought it was the only way. Now however, things have definitely changed. If he manages to bring them both back from wherever he has sent them, and by chance Hermione is still alive, he would be more than interested to see what Voldemort has to say about everything. Something is not adding up, but he doesn't know what it is yet. His instincts are screaming that something is wrong. But for now, he'll watch and wait.

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