When It Rains It Pours

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I straightened out the sleeve of my long-sleeved shirt. I was nervous. I couldn't stop fidgeting, by the side-eye Draco was giving me I'm sure I was about to witness an explosion of his annoyance. 3...2....1...

"For fuck's sake, Granger would you stop fussing!"

"Sorry" sorry, not sorry "I'm just a bundle of twisted nervous energy right now and... a little scared to be honest" My face flushed staining my pale cheeks red with mortification. I hadn't meant that last part to slip out. But it was the truth, after my tussle with Rodolphus and his brother then being kidnapped I was hesitant to leave the safety of the Manor. God, if Ron or Harry knew that thought, they would look at me like I had sprouted wings and horns or something. I knew it was absurd and just unwilling myself to admit that Tom was my anchor. My fierce independent streak was reluctant to concede that point.

"Granger we'll be fine. I'm sure Pothead will turn up, his saviour complex wouldn't be able to resist", I wanted to disagree but knew that Harry would be reckless enough to come. The only issue was if he could get out of the safe house or where ever they were unnoticed.

"How are your legs holding up?" I turned my head to look at Draco's profile; he was frowning down at the ground as we made our way on foot to the place we would be meeting Harry. I hadn't seen much of Draco over the last year or two years for me. We had parted on shattered hopes and dreams not knowing if we would ever see each other again. I still remember the persistent desperate press of his stress bitten lips on mine, just before the castle was stormed.

Now, he looked mature, his hair shorter, his faceless pointy and more filled out. He looked good.

"My legs are fine" he shifted his head and gave me a look- much like Tom, I wondered if this was some sort of conspiracy to team up against me. I huffed and rolled my eyes. "I'm a little tired, and the muscles ache- which is to be expected from lack of use."

"We can stop and take a short break if you need to" actually a small sit down didn't sound so bad.


"Okay?" he parroted back disbelieving.

"Okay, don't make me say it again" I snapped.

He lifted his hands in a defensive manner. "Just double-checking that the world is indeed about to turn upside down, now that the great swot of Hogwarts is accepting my humble supplication" I playfully whacked him with the back of my hand, it reminded me of better times at Hogwarts when we were together. His lips upturned in a genuine smile, he did have a nice smile when it was real and not that sneering fake grin he often had plastered on.

A heavy silence fell between us.

"Are you...is he...is it serious?" I wasn't expecting that question, and so my foot snagged a tree branch and I stumbled forward, Draco reaching out to grab my arm stopping my body from careening into the ground.

"Why?" was all I could articulate. Looking at his face up close, I could see a slight pain and hope swirling in his grey eyes. "Oh..." damn it he had reduced me to monosyllabic answers. He swallowed thickly, avoiding my eyes and pushed me away after he made sure I was stable on my feet.

After a few minutes of standing around awkwardly neither of us knowing where to go from this, I finally found my voice.

"Draco I..." my thoughts we're jumbled together because I wasn't entirely sure what to say that wouldn't sound hollow. Sorry, I moved on, sorry I fell in love with someone else. You'll always be dear to me, and I hope we can be friends? It was full of tired clichés.

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