Courage Is Endurance For One Moment Longer

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"What are we going to do Essa?", for once I was at a bit of a loss of what to do, I usually would have a plan. Finding out Tom was with Albus, froze my insides with fear. Taking on Albus Dumbledore was not something I had planned, at least in a magical capacity.

"I have plan to save Master Tom." Essa looked Ernst and determined; once again, she reminded me of Dobby, especially when he was ardent in his desire to defend and protect Harry. It was somewhat comforting to have another ally determined to save Tom as much as I did. I didn't think when it came down to it how many people actually would put their lives on the line for Tom this time around.

"First, the treats!", she beamed proudly of the baked edibles she held in her hand. "Mira!" Essa shouted it was slightly disconcerting to see the formerly timid elf take charge.

Another elf popped into existence; she was wearing pale blue dungarees and a pale pink bow tired around one ear. "Yes, Essa". Essa handed over the tray; she remained holding onto the edge even after Mira had grabbed it. "Mira, time for plan of action. When it is done return so I can finish next plan", the other elf nodded and popped away.

It was frustrating because I didn't know what they were doing, and Essa was somewhat cryptic.

"Essa please -"

"In time, miss Hermione. Now we wait."



My eyes remained fixed upon his person. I would not let him have even a moment, a nanosecond, of a chance to have the advantage over me. He was dressed now in an outrageously silver and white monstrosity to fashion. While it was a wizarding robe...well there was no words to describe his fashion sense- it was even worse at times than some of the items Lucius wore. Most likely trying to emanate the great Merlin, it is ironic, however, that he was a Slytherin, something that Dumbledore displays subtle discrimination against. Tasteless prat.

I realised that this could be a foolish endeavour, normally I was a little more calculated than this. Okay, my former self wasn't all that much, but now I think Hermione has rubbed off on me. Her spontaneity and zest, has influenced this decision- ugh so Gryffindor.

"I'm surprised to see you out Tom, not acting through your little puppets", Dumbledore sat down, crossing his hands, one over the other. His voice always had a..slow, quality to it, not lacking in intelligence, but like everyone he was talking to were complete morons—patronising humanity.

" Taking a risk Albus, something unfortunate may befall you", I resisted gritting my teeth and took on a sweet tone. Albus's eyes narrowed, he probably picked up on the threat, not that I had anything particularly planned, this was purely exploratory.

"Don't play games, Tom, I know your honied words coat poisonous fangs, but you tend to lose our chess matches", he gestured nonchalantly which was so not Dumbledore, for a moment it through me off, distracted me from the fact that he disregarded me as a worthy opponent. I had failed and disappointed him as an adversary, and now I was just an annoying gnat that needed to be extinguished. I swallowed the litany of curse words that were just itching to be expelled. If I gave in to his taunts, as I had always done- damn Hermione was right- I would blow this opportunity. He would win or at least regain some of his previous advantages. I knew that Narcissa's PR campaign, was going well, we didn't need to turn everyone, just plant enough seeds of doubt. Too long wizarding Britain just followed along being mindless drones. No more.

"Who says I'm playing the same game as you Dumbledore? A little presumptuous? Things are different this time, your attempt at imprisonment...failed", I couldn't help the slight feeling of glee seeping into my expression. Dumbledore's face tightened, it was an apparent sore spot to poke at.

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