A Simple Unmistakable Fact-Edited

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A/N: Oh, man, this chapter drove me mad! It was like banging my head against a brick wall. I loved writing it, but I felt something was lacking. Next week some more adventure!


"We just arrived today actually," I smiled at her while rubbing my sore thigh, I'm sure when I look at it tonight, it will be purple.

"Oh my, Bienvenue à Paris! Such a lovely city despite the mongrels", she spat in the direction of the man trying to nurse both his injuries.

"Yes, welcome to Paris."

Hermione POV

After our little scuffle on the streets of Paris, we retreated to a hotel- or what you could call a hotel in the 1800s. At least it was relatively clean, and we had access to a regular water supply. I, for one, was happy about that. I would not say I liked the small dent it was making in the coins, but I think we deserved a good rest and a proper bath. We haven't had one since we left London.

Tom has been missing in action for the last two days, and I am worried- not about him. I am concerned about the Parisian population that is at his mercy. I'm sure he is out there swindling some poor sod, then stuffing his body into a back-alley crate and left to rot until someone notices the ungodly stench.

I sigh as I take in the grey skies outside. It had been raining and miserable as if the weather is a reflection of my state of mind at the moment. I want to go home, be with my friends and pseudo-family again. I hate having to rely on Tom, because I never know when he may turn on me for real, not just as a threat. He isn't a friend at least not in any traditional sense. This is more of a 'friendship' out of necessity. The strange thing is, why does he continue to stay when he could easily leave me here? Is he lonely? What I am conflicted about is that I am growing fond of him. I like it when I make him crack a rare genuine smile or the way he lights up when I ask a difficult question about magic. I have also found it difficult to sleep over the last two days, and I never realised that I subconsciously depended on him for sleep. He has kept most of my nightmares at bay- especially the ones about Bellatrix. He is such an enigma, and I find myself wanting more. To know more.

A sharp bang behind me jerks me out of my introspection, and I pick up the nearest heavy thing ready to use as a weapon. Whirling around with the 'odd' figurine poised in the air to strike, I see that it is only Tom.

I slowly lower the figurine, relieved. "Where have you been?", to my ears, I sound like a nagging mother.

"Nowhere. What in Salazar's name are you holding?", he looked perplexed why I was holding such a thing.

I looked down at the figurine, it was a reflex to grab for a weapon when startled, but I'm not sure if he means why I was holding it in the first place, or why I was holding that specific thing.

"Ah..a figurine...of a...elephant...crossed with a hippo?... I guess...?", I didn't know what it was.

"Mmm... yes the love child of an elephant and hippo", I narrowed my eyes, he was looking slightly mischievous when he looks like that he has been up to no good. However, when isn't he up to his neck in dastardly misdeeds?

I gave him another once over, but my eyes double-backed to a spot on his shirt. Is that blood?

"Tom, what did you do?", he stands there looking rather pleased with himself. With a flourish, he reveals a wand and starts twirling it around rather amazingly with those magically dexterous fingers.

"Just nicked his wand...", I gave him a look to say who? "The guy from yesterday, I broke his fingers remember."

I was a little surprised, but not that much, and this wasn't even that high on the list of his offences. Compared to murder, what was a bit of wand stealing?

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