Ornaments and Axes

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I laughed.

The situation was so absurd that I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I was conflicted and worried and scared. I laughed, and I am sure I looked like some pale version of Bellatrix. I had so many different emotions flowing through me that I couldn't process them fast enough. I felt like I was either going to burst or collapse in on myself.

I was afraid of what this meant. The dynamic of everything was going to change rapidly- what did this mean in the grand scheme of things?

Soon my manic laugh turned into a choked sob, and I could taste the sharp tang of salt on my tongue- I hadn't even realised I had tears gently flowing down my cheeks.

"Are you alright 'Mione?" I rolled my eyes. I hated that nickname, but I didn't have the heart to dissuade my best friends to stop using it. I wiped the corners of my mouth where the salty moisture had started to gather, then brushing my hands down my shirt, giving me ample time to ponder the simple question, was I okay?

On the one hand, I was relieved that Bellatrix and Dolohov were no longer part of the world anymore. I should be ashamed of myself for even being okay with what Tom had done, but I couldn't bring myself to care. These were horrible human beings who enjoyed killing and destroying lives. Azkaban wouldn't have been enough, as much as everyone on the light side preached sending criminals through the justice system, some of the Death Eaters were too far down the road of pure unadulterated evil. The wizarding world was lacking when it came down to dealing with criminals, and they certainly couldn't deal with these types of offenders. I doubt Azkaban would have held them for very long considering the state it was in at the moment. No, death was the only way.

"Yeah, it's just a bit much to process at the moment..." I trailed off not needing to elaborate; further, we were all thinking along the same lines. Harry removed his glasses and begun using the hem of his shirt to wipe the smudged fingerprints along the bottom edge of the optical lenses. He had developed the habit of fiddling with the frame when he was stressed or restless. Thus, they were often heavily blemished.

Ron slung his arm around me, gripping the curve of my shoulder firmly, I couldn't help but compare his touch to Tom's. There was no swarm of butterflies in my stomach or a warm feeling spreading throughout my limbs. Even if Tom and I were never to be, I knew without a doubt that I could never feel that way about Ron- only brotherly affection.

"You're safe with us now 'Mione, that slimy git won't get within two feet of ya" I tried to smile, but I think it must have looked more like a grimace.

"Disgusting ain't it? Crazy bitch got what she deserved. Maybe all the scummy Death Eaters will take each other out then we won't have to deal with it? Be funny if a stray curse got Voldy", I could feel some of the blood vacate my head, leaving me light-headed. If Ron didn't have such a tight grip on me, I most likely would have swayed or stumbled.

If Tom was cleaning house then I feared for his safety, he was one man, not a god, he couldn't take on all those minions if they decided to turn all at once. They were fanatical; they weren't going to suddenly drop everything because he said so. More so the pureblood followers like Bellatrix's husband Rodolphus, I doubt he would stand by and do nothing after this. They...they would probably form their faction and carry on the fight. It was stupidly naïve of me to believe that Tom adjusting his goals would cease the war. But perhaps it would mean that Dumbledore would be distracted by this turn of events.

"Why the wurly curls or whatever?" I hadn't been paying attention to the conversation between Harry and Ron. Instead I was staring at the severed heads on the lawn. The buzzing was getting louder as more blowflies and flesh flies joined in the frenzied activity. It was gruesome and exciting to watch. The air had a metallic edge, the closer you got to the heads.

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