Nobody Move There's Blood on the Floor

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I'm not sure how long I've been stuck in this room for. I've been falling in and out of consciousness intermittently. I still am unable to feel my legs, and that is pulling me under in depression. I hope someone is looking for me, but I know that the chances are slim because I was taken in the forest and no one knew where I was going. I didn't want to accept that I was probably going to die on this filthy pallet on the floor, but the probability was high.

Tears stung my cheeks at least there was enough moisture still in my body that I could cry. Strangely there was a glass next to the pallet on the floor that automatically refilled itself. I had deduced that someone wanted me alive for a short time- not that was in any way comforting. I half expected Rodolphus to come storming through the door yelling Mudblood bitch in my face. But that hasn't happened yet.

It was silent.

The curtains in the room where drawn, but they weren't thick so during the day it wasn't completely pitch black. I had almost wished I was bathed completely in blackness- because I didn't want to be looking at the pile of human bones in the opposite corner of the room. Acid and bile churned and burned at my insides when I made that little discovery. That wasn't the only discovery that I had made- I wasn't alone.

Its eyes glowed in the darkness like the dying embers from a once smouldering fire; snuffing out any hope of escape. It sat in the corner of this barren room- just watching; its unearthly red eyes never leaving me.

The room was damp and cold bordering on frigid. It never did a thing. Just watching and waiting but for what?

I remained in the same spot, never moving, alone. I was unwilling to move from my relatively comfortable place on the dusty floor, too afraid. Every so often, I would pick up another sound, from outside or inside the room. The sound of a mosquito buzzing close to my ear, tiny feet scurrying across the floor- a growl. I shivered, was there something inside the room with me or was it my imagination? Was whoever had me playing mind games?

I would swear on my magic that sometimes when I managed to doze off, I would feel puffs of breath ruffling my hair and across my face. It was creepy and unsettling.

Am I losing my mind?


Severus- at the house in Wales


He sucked in a deep breath and held it, tentatively pushing the door open, but within arms reach if he needed to....his eyes bulged, and he grabbed the doorknob slamming the door shut. He stumbled back against the hallway wall, his palms spread against the plaster, trying to process what he saw.

This changes things

He closed his eyes as panic rose within him alarmingly. For the first time in so many years, he wasn't entirely sure what to do. He was torn and somewhat reluctant to admit that perhaps he was out of his league. The entity in that room was not of this realm, and he didn't know if he had enough skill to get in and out of the room unscathed effectively. There were layers upon layers of dark, dark magic upon that single room. Most likely to keep that thing caged. He had heard whispers of such things in his youth, but it wasn't the sort of magic that you dabbled in — creatures of smoke and sulphur.

He caught a glimpse of Miss Granger on the pallet on the floor, probably starving and on the verge of hypothermia, but that wasn't the only thing to catch his attention. The human remains on the floor in a jumbled mess- while disturbing- it was the single innocuous pair of glasses that sat on the mantle of the disused fireplace that sent his heart into overdrive.

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