Somebody Tell Me How I Am Supposed to Feel

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"Hey", Tom pushed the pad of his index finger underneath my chin and tipped my head back. "Everything will be fine love."

"Come in", Tom called out, and Narcissa poked her head in.

"Severus is here."

"Alright, can you send him up?... Actually just bring everyone in here saves having to repeat everything. I sense this is going to be a long discussion", I watched Tom as he began pacing up and down along the side of the bed. His eyes kept shifting to the bed like he was torn between his constant pacing and sitting on the bed with me.

I let my head fall back on the pillow and closed my eyes. I was starting to feel nauseous from the headache that was pounding inside my head.

I felt Tom touch my face gently, "Don't go to sleep my little star, we have much to discuss, and you need to eat and drink something" my eyes fluttered open, and just as I was gearing up to deny him he placed a finger on my lips, stopping me. "Don't even try to get out of it. You need your strength. Don't argue you won't like to consequences" I nipped at his finger, and his eyes darkened. He leaned in close so our noses were touching "Don't start what you cannot finish" he whispered and desire coiled in my chest. Just as I went to press my lips to his the door opened again breaking the moment. He pulled away slowly making it look like we were snogging like a couple of teenagers. A blush rose in my cheeks in embarrassment. I must have looked a mess, with my hair ruffled and my lips bruised from when we were snogging the daylights out of each other. I tried to run my fingers through my hair making it look semi-presentable. The Malfoys looked regal as always, and I was a peasant by their standards.

Draco was looking everywhere but at me, which irritated me. Narcissa and Lucius offered small smiles, well I was surprised by Lucius's reaction. Severus walked in a moment later looking dishevelled and a tear on the shoulder of his blazer.

"Professor" I greeted warmly to the man who found me in that house. I was immensely curious about how he did it and would be forever grateful. Tom lifted my legs and sat down on the bed with them in his lap, running his hands up and down them in a show of possessiveness, but also I knew whether he wanted to acknowledge it or not he was irrationally worried I would disappear again and by always touching me I couldn't be taken away. It was sweet in his weird way. But if he thinks for one second that I will be locked up again he has another thing coming.

Once everyone was seated he, the question on everyone's faces was, how did I end up in that room in that house? But what I wanted to know was who owned that damn house.

"Sweetheart, are you up to telling us how you ended up trapped in that room?" As much as Tom was giving me an out with his words, his face was hard, and I knew he was probably holding himself back from diving into the depths of my mind to find the answers he desperately wanted.

While I was upset by everything that happened, I was somewhat ashamed that I couldn't defend myself. My pride was battered more than anything. My eyes scanned everyone eagerly anticipating my answer, then dropped to my lap. I twisted my fingers in the hem of the shirt I was wearing and contemplated my words.

A hand came into my line of vision and covered my fingers with a firm squeeze. "Just start at the beginning", I pulled one of my hands out, and before he could pull away I clasped his hand tightly as of I could draw on his strength to help get the words out.

"I left the Burrow the night you left the...heads and the chocolate out the front" Tom snorted then chuckled to himself. "I could feel their eyes on me, constantly, it was suffocating. I don't know if they thought I was going to snap and go on a killing spree or if I was conspiring against them. I knew Dumbledore's patience with me was running out and he wouldn't hold out much longer before trying to interrogate me again. So I decided to wait up until everyone had gone to sleep and make a break for it. Unfortunately, Harry came downstairs because he couldn't sleep. He knew what I was going to do. Say what you will about Harry, but most of the time he can be eerily observant. We had a small argument, and I left. He understood why I was leaving and didn't try to stop me. I didn't know if I had a tracking spell on me or not so I knew I would only have a tiny window in which to hide. I moved around the forest for a few days making sure I wasn't followed, on the night I planned to leave for London to catch the train there was a thunderstorm. I was stupid I should have left immediately, but I stopped to watch the lightning. I just wanted a small moment of peace. I turned after a particularly loud thunderclap and there they were standing a few feet away from me" I stopped to take a deep breath and to collect my thoughts. Tom shifted him and me around, so I was sitting in his lap with my head tucked underneath his chin. It was comforting.

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