Holly's POV - APR one-shot

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I stared at myself for 5 minutes. I could not believe what was about to happen. I had waited so long for this chance, now it was here I was going to be going naked at this rate. I took off the hoodie and jeans, figuring it was a bit too casual. What do you wear to a first date? Well technically it wasn't a first date, I mean me and Chris had been out to places just me and him before (even though they ended terribly) and he had never technically said it was a date. I phoned Casey to find out her opinion on what to wear.

"So do you think it's a date? Or an outing? I don't think it's a date, why would it be? No one would want to go on a date with me anyway. You know what, forget it I'm gonna call and cancel, I'll make a fool of myself and I already have enough embarrassing moments with Mr Heywood as it is, I..."

"Holly! For gods sake! Shut the hell up for 3 seconds so I can snap you out of this crazy blab your going on!" Casey yelled down the phone.

"Oh, sorry your right, ok I'm listening."

"Right, number one, of course it's a date, who WOULDN'T go on a date with you! Number two, whatever you wear your gonna look hot plus I doubt Mr Heywood cares what your wearing. Number 3 if you just calm down I'll come over and help you. See you in 10 minutes." She hung up before I could argue which was probably a good thing. I looked at the clothes scattered all over my room and sighed. I couldn't believe where I was going, or who I was going with, I could have fainted from over-excitement. Maybe I did pass out for a while because Casey was here already, the doorbell was ringing.

"Come in, its open." I shouted towards the door.

"Hi." A deep, British voice answered. When did Casey become so manly? And British? I turned round and saw Lance at my bedroom door.

"Hey, I thought you were Casey!"

"Glad to know I'm wanted!"

"Oh you are, what should a girl wear on a first date?"

"Em, dunno something casual but look likes you've made an effort. Something that you're comfortable in, we don't really mind as long as you are wearing something suitable for the occasion."

"Okay, that was no help. Casey's coming over in a minute to help me choose an outfit and to calm down."

"Good idea, your jumping all over the place and shaking like mad."

"Oh, crap am I? God I need to snap out of this, I feel like I've had 10 cups of coffee."

"I didn't realise Mr Heywood made you feel THAT flustered. Well I came over to say good luck and to give you this." He held out a small paper bag and I looked at it apprehensively.

"I don't want any presents, what's it for? My birthday was 2 weeks ago."

"It was part of your birthday present, I had it ordered but it didn't come home in time, I figured this was a good time to give it to you." He waved the bag a bit to get me to take it and I did. I opened it up and there was a tiny silver object at the bottom of the bag. I picked it out and admired it with a great big grin on my face. It was a locket with a minuscule picture of Me, Casey, Lance, Chris and Jeremy together at the movies, the time I got everyone to meet together for a bonding session, I wanted all my friends to be friends too!

"This is amazing! Thank you so much! Here, can you help me fix it on my charm bracelet?"

"Sure." Lance took the tiny locket and fixed it to my bracelet carefully. "I'm glad you like it! I wasn't sure but its not like I'm gonna buy you something else, took me ages to think of that!" He laughed and so did I.

"This is just right, it's calmed me down as well! It really is a lucky charm. Thank you." I hugged him tightly and the doorbell rang again.

"This'll be Case now."

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