Chapter Six

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Sherry held Jonathan's arm as they walked into prom cheerily, at least for Sherry. Jonathan didn't really know what to think of it. It was just a meet up for pupils after they'd finished their exams. He could be doing so much more productive things, like studying to get into collage, or looking over the rat compound, but no, he came to prom.
"Jonathan." Sherry muttered. "I'm not very good at dancing. How about we go to the basement?"
The basement was were nobody went. Of course, it was probably just full of cleaning supplies, but Jonathan could only help but wonder what actually happened down there to make everyone so afraid.
" Come on. It'll be fun." She whispered into his ear and dragged him along. They went down the stairs into the dark room, piles of cleaning supplies and the smell of strong disinfectant everywhere.
"Jonathan. Do you love me?" She asked. He just looked at her, and shook his shoulders. "Lean in."
He did as she asked. There was a laugh coming from Sherry.
"Sorry, I just can't keep this up!" She yelled as Bo and his friends jumped out from behind some stuff.
"Did you actually think you were gonna kiss her?" Bo laughed. He saw a camera in his hand.
Jonathan stormed out, tears down his face. He didn't know why he was so upset.
"Jonathan--" Ms Gallagher tried calling his name, only to be ignored.
He slumped against the wall outside, thoughts going threw his heads.
That jerk betrayed you, Johnny, what are you going to do about it?
Scarecrow said. He was right. He couldn't let anyone step over him anymore, especially not Bo and Sherry.
Dear old Granny Keeny has a little gun in her little draw.
He said, experimenting with how far Jonathan was willing to go.
"You're right." He muttered after a great pause. Brushing himself off, he stood up, and fixed his soaking hair. He walked to the field and took the sack off of one of the scarecrows and slipped it into his bag. He snuck back into the house, took the gun, and made his trek down to the so called "Lovers lane". Due to tradition, Jonathan knew the prom King and Queen usually came down here for a little alone time. It wasn't long until, Bo's car rolled down the road. It's shiny red coat glittering in the rain. Jonathan put his hood on.
It's my time to play now.
He jumped in front of the car violently swinging the gun around, he shot a tire, sending the car crashing into a tree. He heard the wonderful, and pricing screams from Sherry. Scarecrow went over to the front of the car. Sherry had flipped, her back in a position which was definitely not right, and Bo half way out of the car. He wandered over to Sherry. Looking at her bloody head, clothes, and blood seeping into the grass, he smiled under the mask. He walked over to Bo, who had glass through is back. He was still breathing, unlike Sherry.
"Unfortunately, our little game had come to an end." He picked Bo up by his hair, "Little Bo Peep.".
Jonathan watched Bo squirm around for a bit. He pulled his head up weakly, and screamed at Sherry's dead body, fear on his face, but by that time Scarecrow was already out of sight. He walked away.

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