→ Chapter seven

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Hey guys!

As promised, here's an update! PIctures over there -> are Elena's outfit when she's in her bedroom and the gorgeous Caesar, isn't he perfect C: Anywayy I hope you enjoy some Ryan & Elena time ;) I need to start putting Matt into the story more.. haha ok I am going to start putting him more in from now on! NOW GO READ YOU AMAZING PEOPLE YOU!

Next update: 26th September [Wednesday]

- Bron



I groaned in frustration as I walked down the same aisle for about the 100th time, why did think place have to be so bloody massive! All I wanted to do was go to the feed room and get Maddie a carrot, but no. I had to be stuck walking around this stupid place, ok maybe I was happy to be lost for the first few minutes, I got to look around the place more. But after a while it wore off. I just wanted a stupid carrot!

"You lost?" A deep, familiar voice laughed, I jumped slightly and put my hand on my forehead,

"Ryan!" I screeched, looking at his smirking face behind the black steel bars of the stable, he was in with a gorgeous bay, who had a blaze that covered most of his face and upper lip.

"So, are you lost?" he repeated, and from what I could tell he was trying his hardest not to laugh,

"I..am not lost." I lied, walking over to the stable door and patting the bay on his soft muzzle "Who's this?" I smiled, trying to veer him away for me being lost,

"His name is Caesar, and he happens to be another one of your horses, so, if you are lost, why are you wondering round with that look on your face?" he laughed, patting Riot on his neck.

"He's one of mine?" I gasp, un-bolting the stable and letting myself in, "he's gorgeous!" I smiled, running my hand down Caesar's solid, muscular neck. I felt my hand softly brush over Ryan's, I looked up at him, my brown eyes locking with his own. I studied his eyes, which were staring intently into my own, I saw a hint of softness cross them. He looked even more gorgeous than before, how can that hint of softness in his eyes make him even more attractive? How is that even possible? I quickly snapped out of the gaze we had and quickly pulled my hand away. I quickly ducked under Caesar's neck as I felt my cheeks heat up, I hoped to god Ryan didn't see, it would make his ego even bigger than it already was.

"Well..u..uh." Ryan stuttered, is he lost for words? I glanced over Caesars back at him, he was looking over at me, I quickly composed myself and looked over at him,

"Can you tell me where the feed room is? I just want a freaking carrot for Mads and well now Caesar as well." I asked biting my bottom lip softly.

"You walk out of the barn and then turn left and there is an add on to the barn and that is the feed room and you'll find carrots in the fridge, so I was right, you where lost!" he laughed, pointing his finger at me,

"Yes. I was lost. You were right. Now I'm going to go get my carrots. I'll see you later baby!" I smiled as I kissed Caesar on the nose and let myself out of the stable, quickly closing it behind me and walking swiftly down the aisle.

"See you later babe!" I heard Ryan shout behind me, I looked over my shoulder and saw him smirking at me,

"You're a jerk, you know?!" I shouted at him as I rounded the corner, making my way out of the barn and into the feed room. I finally let a smile cross my face as I leant against the wall of the feed room,

"What the hell just happened?" I wondered out loud as I let my head lean back against the wall, I breathed in deeply again and let it out as I crossed the room to the fridge and reached in and grabbed a few carrots, one for Caesar, one for Maddie and one for myself.


I sighed in relief as I finally threw myself down onto my soft, comfy bed. As much as I loved working with horses it sure was good to finally be back in bed.

Knock, knock, knock.

I groaned as I rolled off my bed and dragged myself over to the door and throwing it open, I groaned again as I saw Ryan leaning against my door frame.

"What do you want?" I sighed, looking up at him and raising my eyebrows,

"Nice to see you too Elena," he smirked,

"Hi, now please go away I want to sleep." I sighed, trying to pushing him back so I could close my bedroom door, but he didn't move a budge.

"What are you made of? Freaking steel?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes, trying to push him once again.

"You may as well stop pushing, I'm not moving." he laughed, wiggling his eyebrows,

"Whatever, stand there all night, I don't care!" I scoffed, dragging my feet over to my bed again, I let myself fall onto it face first,

"So I take it you don't want anything to eat?" He asked,

"Food?!" I yelled, before pushing myself off the bed and rushing over to him, but as I reached him he lifted the plate out of my reach,

"Ryan!" I groaned as I crossed my arms over my chest,

"One condition, after you eat this, I take you to look around the place." He smiled, looking down at me,

"I am not looking around this place as.." I glanced over at the clock and then looked back at him "9 o'clock at night!"

"Fine then, no food." He smiled, before turning around, I felt my stomach grumble as he started walking down the hall. Damn you stomach, why do you need food?!

"Fine, FINE! I'll let you show me around. Now give me the freaking burger!" I wined, stepping out into the hall, he turned around and held out the plate to me,

"Now was that so hard?" he smiled, I let out a small laugh and shook my head which made his smile fade quickly,

"Sucker." I yelled before slamming the door and locking it,

"Elena! Really?!" He yelled at me through the door,

"You shouldn't get in the way of a girl and her food! It'll come and bite you in the ass Peirce." I yelled back at him, I heard him let out a frustrated sigh as I took a bite of my burger, so worth what I was probably going to get tomorrow as pay back.

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