→ Chapter twelve

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KUSDHJSDSKDJ. I'm sorry, I haven't had the insperation to write this for a while, a few things have been happening, if you follow me on tumblr you'll know what. But anyway! here is a new chapter, drama time :D :D mwhahaha. You might think you know who she ran into, but you might be wrong! You'll have to read it and see :)

Video over there -> Is what gave me insperation for the second part of the chapter :)

Next Update: Friday :) PROMISE!

Oh! Also if you love this story and the Philippaert brothers, there is an amazing tumblr dedicated to them that I'm helping out with! Check it out, it's the external link over there ->

- Bron



"I thought I told you to stay the fuck away from my boyfriend." She spat as she walked towards me, I took a stepped backwards, but cringed as I put weight on my ankle.

"I haven't done anything. I promise." I sighed, as Rebecca came face to face with me,

"You better not have and if you even try ANYTHING on with him. You'll wish that you'd never come here. I can make your life a living hell if I want to," she smirked as she looked me up and down,

"It's not like he'd be interested in you anyway, look at you. But just in case he has a moment of stupidity, you better stay away from him."

"That's going to be pretty hard since I LIVE with him," I retorted all I wanted was to wipe that god awful smirk off her face and it worked, the smirk slid right off of her face.

"Just stay the fuck away from him and if you do anything that I don't like, he'll find out about your stupid little crush" She spat

"Bec? What's going on?" I heard Ryan's voice ask from behind us, I felt Rebecca freeze before she plastered a sickening smile on her face before turning around to face him,

"Oh nothing, just helping Elena, she fell over. She's such a klutz." She giggled as she wrapped her arms around Ryan's waist, placing a kiss on his cheek,

"You ok Elena?" He asked, worry present in his eyes,

"I'm..fine," I mumbled, before walking past them.

"Are you sure?" I heard him ask as he wrapped his hand around my wrist stopping me in my tracks, I looked over my shoulder at him and looked down at his hand around my wrist and then back up at him, I saw Rebecca shot me a glare warning me.

"I'm fine. Just.. Leave me alone Ryan." I sighed before pulling my wrist out of his grasp and starting off towards the stairs.


I felt the tears that had gathered up in my eyes on the way to the barn finally begin to fall down my cheeks as I unbolted the gate to Maddie's stall, I slid in and through myself around her neck, letting the tears finally flow at a steady stream, damping her soft dappled coat. What had I gotten myself into? Why had I had to fall for both of them? I had come here to follow my dream, and I have let myself be taken over by these two guys and I hadn't even known it. I buried my face into Maddie's neck and took a deep, hitched breath as I tried to calm myself down. Everything was falling apart, things would be awkward with Matt and I can't even look at Ryan without Rebecca, telling him that I like him, and to top it all off my ankle is going to be crap for god knows how long! Everything couldn't get any worse, I don't know what I'd do if something happened to Maddie. I pulled away from Maddie and brushed the wet patched I had made on her neck softly with my hand,

"Maddie..Want am I going to do?" I sighed as I kept running my hand down her neck, she gave a contented sigh and kept on eating her hay, I couldn't help but smile slightly, she was so peaceful just eating her hay. I glanced around myself noticing everything growing darker around me, how long had I been out here?

"I better go back babe, I'll see you tomorrow ok?" I smiled as I kissed the top of her muzzle before letting myself back out the stable. I bolted the door at the top and bottom and wrapped my arms around myself as I slowly started to make my way down the aisle of the barn,

"Elena!" I heard a familiar voice yell after me, I felt my stomach churn, couldn't he just leave me alone? I kept on walking, doing my best to ignore him.

"Elena wait." He sighed as he caught up to me, wrapping his hand around my wrist he pulled me to a stop,

"I said leave me alone Ryan" I sighed as I yanked my arm around from his grasp and started walking again, knowing that he'd walk after to me but it was worth a try.

"You may as well crawl on the ground with that ankle," he laughed, trying to lighten the mood as he easily caught up to me. I sighed as I stopped and looked up at him,

"Hey..What's wrong?" He asked, worry crossing his face.

"Nothing. What do you want?" I stated, starring him straight in the eye, ignoring the butterflies that bubbled up in my stomach.

"This." He whispered before pulling me closer towards him and pressing his lips against mine.

This can't be happening again, not twice in one day. I gathered enough strength to push him off of me, as much as I hated to admit it, I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to push him off. But I couldn't go around kissing both brothers!

"You can't do that Ryan!" I shouted, pushing him in the chest again which had no effect on him what so ever, "You can't just come here and freaking kiss me!"

"Why not?" He answered softly, starring down at me, I blinked at him, was he serious?

"Last time I checked you had girlfriend." I stated, raising my eyebrows at him,

"I broke up with her. She told me everything Elena." He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. Wait.. Had he broken up with her to be with me?

"I like you Elena. I have since the day you came here," He continued as he took a step closer to me, clearing the distance I had put in-between us, "I broke up with Rebecca, because I want to be with you." I stood there frozen staring up at him, how? why? I couldn't put two words together. He cupped my face in his hands softly, I could tell he was searching for some kind of emotion in my eyes,

"Elena.." I felt him slowly close in again, this time stopping a few centimetres away, I took a deep breath and closed the few centimetres that where left, I kissed him.


Please don't kill me C:

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