→ Chapter twenty

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Not much to say other than you might hate me at the end xD
- Bron

It has been a month and a half since Ryan had taken me down to the lake, and since then it has become a little tradition of ours. The day after we get back from a show, we'd ride bareback down to the lake and spend almost all day out there together, just letting ourselves relax and have fun. It has also been a month and a half since we got together, and we've never been stronger.  It's one of those relationships you dream of, but never actually expect to happen, over the past month I've fallen for him. I'm completely and utterly in love with Ryan Pierce, who thought that, that would of happened? And I'm also taking the equestrian world by storm, Who would of thought that would happen? A few months ago, I was just another girl, dreaming about what it would be like to be riding at top level, and now, here I was being one of the most known person in the equestrian world, why? Because, apart from my first show, I've won almost every class I have entered.
"Elena?" A deep voice spoke from my door, snapping out of my thinking. I glanced up and felt guilt wash over me, I forced a smile,
"Hey.." I sighed, "Matt, I'm reall.."
"Elena stop. It's fine," He said as he walked over to my bed before sitting down on the corner so he was facing me, I swung around on my chair and my eyes locked on his soft brown ones,
"It's not fine, I hurt you! I'm going out with your twin brother, how can it be fine?" I questioned,
"Because I know that you care about him, a lot. I can see it when you two are together. I just want you to be happy, and if Ryan makes you happy then great, sure I'll wonder what it would be like if we were going out but that's just in a wonder," He smiled, I felt a smile creep up on my face and I got up and sat beside him,
"You're a cliché Matt. You know that?" I laughed softly as I looked over at him, he shook his head and let out a small chuckle,
"Friends?" I asked,
"Of course Lee," he laughed as he wrapped his arms around me, enclosing me into a tight, warm hug. Sure they weren't Ryan's hugs, but it made the guilt drain away. I let out a contented sigh as I pulled away, I had my best friend back, it would take a while to get back to where we were but I had him back, everything was even more perfect.
"Oh, by the way. Dad wanted to let you know, he's entered you in the ENCANA Cup FEI at the Masters next Friday."
I froze, was he serious? That will be one of the biggest classes I have ever been in. I stared at him with my mouth hanging open. I tried to speak but I couldn't get any words out.
"Bu..But." I stuttered before I cleared my throat,
"I can't do that! I'll completely fail like my first show! I've never jumped that high before at a show" I panicked as through myself back on my bed and covered my face with my hands,
"Well you better get practising then shouldn't you? Come on Dad is waiting for you down in the main indoor, since it's decided to bucket down with rain" He laughed as the weight on the bed shifted, signalling he had gotten up, I let out a groan as I felt Matt pulling me up off of the bed.

"Come round and pop over this vertical. Make sure she's between your hand and leg, don't even think about coming to it if you feel she gets strong, circle and then come towards it again." Alan yelled at me from the viewing platform above the main indoor arena, so far this had been a disaster. I don't know if it was me being distracted by the amount of people that had decided to watch me ride, or the fact that Maddie was playing up because of the constant loud pang when each rain drop hit the roof of the indoor. But either way, I wasn't riding my best we kept chipping in, we rushed to the fences, you name everything that could go wrong, it did. I let out a sigh as I held Maddie between my hands and legs. I took a deep breath as I circled around to the 1.60m vertical that was in the middle of the arena, I waited, hold, hold, hold, release. I felt Maddie take off on the perfect spot and we clear the jump with about a few inches to spare, I let a large smile cross my face as I pulled her up to a walk,
"Leave it on a good note! Cool her down and the put her away. Good job Elena," Alan yelled at me again before disappearing into the lounge that off to the right of the viewing spot.  
After I had walked Maddie around on a loose rein for about twenty minutes I swung my legs over her and landed on the ground, I gave her a soft rub on the neck before flipping the reins over her head and ambled back to the barn.
"I heard you did amazing today," Ryan smirked as he leant against the stable door where I had just put Maddie back into
 I scoffed and shook my head, "Who told you that lie?"
"Just everyone that was watching, which was quite a few of the boarders,"
He laughed as wiggled his eyebrows,
"You are a freaking weirdo you know that?" I laughed as I pushed against the door of the stable, but Ryan smirked and pushed back,
"Ryan! Let me out," I laughed as I pushed against the door more,
"Ok. Whatever you say," He smirked again as he moved away from the door as I gave it another push, I stubbled slightly and glared at him,
"Jerk," I grumbled as I closed the stable door behind me,
"But, I'm your jerk," He laughed as he wrapped his arms around me, before leaving a soft kiss on my lips,
"You make it so hard to be mad at you, you know?" I laughed as I looked up at him, a small smile on his face. I couldn't believe that he was mine, and I was his.
"Elena!" I heard a loud voice call my name, I let out a laugh as I pulled away from Ryan who frowned and rolled his eyes,
"Yeah?!" I called back,
"Someone is here to see you! They are out front!"
I looked over at Ryan and raised my eyebrows but he shrugged at me,
"How am I meant to know who it is?" He laughed as we walked down towards the front entrance of the barn. Excitement fluttered up inside of me as I saw a familiar male figure standing talking to Alan, as I got closer I saw the messy, bed head, sandy blonde hair boy that I had grown up with all my life, I let out a squeal as I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a bone crushing hug,
"ZAC! What are you doing here?!"

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