→ Chapter fifteen

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Wow.. It's been forever. I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages, I just have had tons of trouble with this chapter, I've had no idea what to write. But! I got some help from Quinn [teachmehowtoequitate on tumblr] and I think everything is back up and going! So chapters will probably be up more frequently from now on :) But yeah, not 100% happy with this chapter... but I think you'll like it :) Anyway! GO READ!

- Bron



"Any advice?" I nervously ask as I gather my reins up once again. You couldn't blame me for being nervous! This is the first time I've jumped anything this big.

"Don't die," Ryan replied, his familiar smirk crossing his face, I glared over at him, which only made him laugh,

"Thanks for that piece of wisdom Ry," I sigh as Matt pulls his horse to a halt beside me,

"Ready?" Matt asked,

"Ready as I'll ever be," I squeak as I push Maddie into a trot. I took a deep breath and softly pressed her into a canter. I took another deep breath as I rounded to the first 5'3 vertical, I'm going to die. I'm going to fall off, crack my head open and die, and it'll all be Ryan and Matts fault. I felt Maddie's weight shift her weight to her back legs and push off, I closed, trying to keep my Eq the same as it always is, I'm not going to lie, I did sort of close my eyes over the jump. But as we landed on the other side I let a huge smile cross my face, I leant forward into 2-point and tracked right to the first of two combinations.


"That was amazing!" I smiled as I shifted my weight backwards resulting in Maddie smoothly transitioning to a walk before I pulled her to a halt in front of Matt and Ryan.

"You looked pretty amazing to be honest, just like a pro." Matt smiled over at him, I couldn't help but smile back, sure these two guys are my weakness but I couldn't ignore them forever.

"Why don't we try a little puissance?" Ryan smirked as he looked over at Matt,

"I don't think I should. I don't want to risk mucking up and injuring Maddie for the show tomorrow, you guys can though." I replied as I patted Maddie on the neck before giving her all her rein.

"What do you think Matt? You going to wimp out?" Ryan laughed,

"Of course not. Let's go." Matt replied,

I groaned and rolled my eyes, guys, seriously. Always trying to outdo each other. I had a feeling that this wouldn't end up as well as both of them think it might.


So far so good, 6'2 and still going strong,

"How about we just put it up to 7ft now?" Ryan smiled as he swung himself off of his horse and made his way to the jump, putting it up a few holes.

"You're on your own Ryan, I don't even want to attempt that." Matt sighed as he let his horse have a long rein,

"Fine suit yourself, I'll just do it on my own," Ryan smirked as he quickly mounted again,

"Ry, I don't think you should do it, you could mess it up, badly." I sighed, looking over at him,

"I'll be fine. But thanks for worrying about me El," He laughed, giving me a wink before pressing his horse into a canter. I groaned, I can't watch this, I covered my eyes and peeked between the gaps between my fingers. He turned the corner to the set up oxer, clearing it by miles, I saw his horse back off slightly before the jump but he pushed it forwards. That should of been his first clue to give up, if the horse wasn't willing to do it, then it's most likely that it probably won't be willing to jump it. I gasped and covered my eyes fully as I saw Ryan and his horse, skidding to a stop in front of the jump. I heard poled falling down, crashing on top of each other, I glanced between the gaps again and saw Ryan's horse struggling on his knees, before pulling himself up so he was standing, he stood there shaking, luckily Ryan had stayed on but he quickly jumped off, going to the front of his horse.

"Shit!" I heard his sigh,

"What the hell happened?!" I heard Alan's voice boom over at us, I glanced behind me and saw Alan striding towards his son.

"Nothing. I just got the striding wrong," Ryan sighed as his father reached him,

"Ryan. Your horses knees are grazed almost down to the bone" He yelled, as he examined Ryan's horses knees,

"How the hell did that even happen?" He questioned as he turned to his son once again,

"We were doing puissance and Ryan decided he'd be able to jump 7ft." Matt piped up, seeming as Ryan had gone silent,

"You both a stupid and reckless! Two things that don't go well together with having horses! Ryan. You are not going to that show tomorrow, firstly because your horse is going to be out of action for god knows how long! AND just because I said so, so go up to the barn and clean him up. I'll call the vet." Alan huffed as he stalked up towards the barn office,

"You're such an idiot Ryan." Matt sighed as he pushed his horse into a walk and calmly walked up to the barn, I sighed and jumped off of Maddie and flipped the reins over her head, I slowly made my way towards Ryan who was cursing under his breath,

"Come on, you have to clean his legs up. No use standing here swearing at yourself." I smiled softly as I put my hand on his arm. He glanced at me and then at my hand, and nodded.

"Looks like I'll just be your groom tomorrow then," He smirked as we started to walk slowly up to the barn.

Oh yay.

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