→ Chapter twenty-four

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Hey guys!

So again, this was written by the lovely Quinn! And I am sad to say, this is the last chapter of TPB :( I think this is a lovely place to finish the story off! But don't worry! Quinn and I have a surprise for you ;D and I think you'll love it!

Anyway bit sad it's over but I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Quinn made it a long one! HOLY MOLY, 7 pages on word! xD But it's good.

I hope you all enjoyed TPB!

Till next time :)

- Bron



"Don't you worry don't you worry child, see heaven's got a plan for you," I gently sang the words to the popular Swedish Mafia song to Maddie as I braided her gray mane. It was around noon on Thursday, the Encana Cup would be starting at 3:00 and I was 13th out of 32 riders, lucky number 13. I'd isolated myself from everyone, putting Maddie in the last crosstie in our row of stalls then I'd plugged in to my phone. So far I'd only run into a few of our grooms and I'd like to keep it that way until I had to start warming up. Maddie was content to have me working on her, gently leaning to one side she was dozing, her lower lip drooping. My large jumper buttons were all perfectly lined up, and I only had a few more, but I'd been braiding for a while so I decided to take a break.

"Such a good mare," I gave her a hearty pat on her muscular shoulder as I stepped off my stool. It was relatively hot out and so I decided to go in search of water. Quietly I tip toed to the front of the crosstie and peered out into the aisle way, some of the horses turned to look at me but other than that, coast clear. With James Bond like stealth I shuffled to the tack room and ducked in the corner where the mini fridge was, very carefully I pried it open, grabbed a bottle of water and turned around only to walk right into...

"Matt, hey," I stammered looking up at him

"Elena. Ryan's been looking for you everywhere!" he exclaimed

"I've kind of been hiding, need to get into the zone,"

"I see, well I won't tell him I saw you then." he winked down at me before letting me pass. I made my way back down the aisle to where Maddie was still dozing. As I stepped back onto my stool Matt appeared at her head. She perked up as he slipped her a carrot and ruffled her forelock.

"You do know we have grooms for that kind of stuff right?" He grinned

"Of course, but braiding always calms me down," I said returning to the tedious task.

"Whatcha listening to?" he gestured to my phone.

"Just some indie music, the Black Keys I doubt you've heard of them"

"I absolutely love their album El Camino! Their music is brilliant" I turned to face him

"Seriously?! You have good taste in music, unlike your brother" I smiled

"You should check out this band out of Vancouver, they're called City and Colour, I think you might like their music. It's what I listen to before big classes," he gave me that genuine Matt smile, that smile that says he actually really cares about what you're talking about. Not the half ass smile that Ryan gives me most of the time.

"Thanks Matt, I defiantly will check them out"

"Well I'll leave you too it" he gave me that smile, again "Ryan goes before you and I go after you so we'll all warm up together. See you in a few hours for the walk!" and with that he turned on his Parlanti heel and left me alone again.

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